Tag : Customer Service

How to Maximize ROI With Online Reviews: A Quick Start Guide

How To Maximize ROI With Online Reviews A Quick Start Guide

Working with tight marketing budgets is not a new trend: it is something that business professionals have been dealing with forever. No matter if you have an endless marketing budget or a tight marketing budget, ROI is something that must be consistently monitored based on key performance indicators (KPIs).

One of the tricks of the trade in marketing is trying to grease the ROI wheel with low-cost items that will garner a high, meaningful benefit. Whether it be clout, credibility, exposure, sales, leads, or engagement: the more of these that we can get for less the better.

Enter Online Reviews.

For example, have you ever had a prospect request a reference who they could reach out to and discuss their experience working with your company? I would venture a guess that whatever your past client/customer will say to this prospect will do more for moving the sale closer to conversion than anything else. This third-party endorsement will position you as an authority more so than 20 presentation decks, videos, or hour-long sales calls combined.

This is where the importance of online reviews become relevant. In my previous blog (Online Reviews: Your Secret to SEO Success – click here to read), I went through all of the SEO power that you will gain from online reviews on Google, Yelp, Facebook, TripAdvisor, and others. To save you time, here are the top benefits that you will reap:

  • More traffic to your website,
  • Rank higher in Google searches,
  • Increase onsite (your website) conversions,
  • Be more trusted by Google above your competition.

Now that we are clear on the benefits, I would like to show you the exact steps that you can take to get started on the journey to creating your own Online Review campaign.

To get started, you will need to compile your customer and evangelist data. This data will be in spreadsheet format (CSV file) and will contain a full list of all of the clients or customers that you have worked with. When choosing your contacts you want to use, ensure that your focus is on individuals who would be more apt to provide favorable reviews of your company.

While all reviews deliver great ROI, ensure that a majority of them are positive. This is the best-case scenario. If not, please note that both positive and negative reviews present salient opportunities.

A negative review presents to your team the opportunity to win a soured customer back. To go one step further, perhaps you didn’t even realize that this client was upset in the first place.

Now let’s move onto evangelists who are your business associates, networking community, and referral sources. Any professionals who can vouch for your company or organization’s value and credibility should be added to your formal list of evangelists.

Now what you will need is a CSV (comma-separated value) file with the following information in each column:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address

Having the data formatted in this manner will allow you to easily manipulate it later in your email marketing system.

Below are the steps that you need to take to extract the customer data to execute your Online Review campaign:

How to Export Contacts from Hubspot: Once you are logged into your Hubspot account, navigate to Contacts on the top tab, and then click on the subpage Contacts. Once there, on the left-hand side of the page you will see All Contacts with an Options button.

Click the arrow next to options and choose Export. On the next screen click Export and you will be emailed a link once the export is complete. You will need to clean up the CSV when you get it so that it only includes the above data. If you need to separate name files – use the equation below.

How to Export Contacts from Salesforce: Once logged in, click on the “Reports” tab and select “New Report”. On the “Accounts & Contacts” submenu select “Contacts & Accounts”. Click “Create” and then choose the correct fields for export.

In the preview selection remove the following Fields: Salutations, Title, Mailing Street, Mailing City, Mailing State/Province, Mailing Zip/Postal Code, Mailing Country, Phone, Mobile, Fax, Accounting Owner, and Account Name. Click “Run Report” after deselecting the fields. Click “Export Details”.Click on the “Export” button and save CSV file on your computer.

How to Export Contact from Constant Contact: Once logged in click Contacts and then click Email Lists. You will then need to choose the name of the list that you want to export to CSV.

Now click Export and click on the information you want to include in the CSV which would be First name, Last name, and Email address. Next, click Export and then click Activity. There you will see where you can download your contact file once it is completed.

How to Export Contacts from MailChimp: Once you are in your account go to the Audience tab. Choose the Audience you would like to export.

Then, click View Contacts and then Export Audience. Once your download is complete you will receive an email or you can view it right on your account. If you need some assistance to separate the name fields, see the expert tip below.


Expert Tip: How to Separate a Full Name in One Cell to First and Last Name in Excel Documents and Numbers Documents

A frustrating aspect of dealing with customer data is when the full name is contained in one cell. Since you want to make the outreach emails personal, ensure that you separate the first and last names into individual cells on your CSV document.

Here is a quick tip to separate a full name field in Excel and Numbers so that you can easily fix this tricky issue:

How to Separate Name Field in Excel Documents: If the full name is in Column A, add an empty column by right-clicking on the top of the column next to the existing column of names, then select Insert. Then click the Data tab and navigate to the top of the column with your contacts’ names to highlight the entire column.

Now click Text to Columns and when the next window pops up choose “Delimited” and click Next. Then on the next pop-up deselect Tab and select Space. Next up, you will need to click Next and then Finish. Now you just have to rename the column headers to reflect your changes and you are done!

How to Separate Name Field in Numbers Documents: First make sure that the first name is in Column A (starting from cell A2). Create two new blank columns next to it (B and C). Next you will need to copy this code into B2 cell.

=LEFT(A2,(SEARCH(” “,A2)-1))

Then click on the cell (which you will see has the first name) and drag the equation down to the entire sheet and presto – first name populated!

Next paste this code into the cell C2:

=MID(A2,(SEARCH(” “,A2)+1),20)

Then click on the cell (which you will see has the last name) and drag the equation down to the entire sheet until all last names are populated!


If you are not using any of the above and are using Gmail, Mac Mail, or Outlook – simply do a Google search for “how to export contacts in NAME” and review the results.

Now that you have your fully formatted CSV file – you are ready for the next step: deciding what websites you would like to generate reviews on. Google will be the first link you will want to choose, as this is a powerhouse when realizing a solid ROI for your efforts. You want to go through the many review sites that are relevant to your industry which could include the following:

Once you choose the sites, you need to find the URL of your review page on the corresponding site. So if you go to TripAdvisor, go to the link where people can place reviews for your business and save that URL. You will use that in your email blast to your audience so that they can simply click the URL and go to the page where the review will be placed.

Now you are ready to craft the email messages. I would suggest that you do a drip campaign consisting of at least 3 messages requesting a review, making it as personal as possible. Please note: if doing a drip, make sure that you ensure that if someone does leave a review, that they do not get the remaining email messages (if any are left to send).

Now you are ready to launch your email campaign. Do a mail merge (or if using your email program, personalizing it using the tools available on that platform) and include the links directly to your online review sites.

This is an extremely cost-effective way to gain more online reviews, bolster your SEO power on Google, increase traffic and, in effect, conversions on your website. Although if you are a busy professional this may look like a daunting time commitment.

With this in mind, The Go! Agency has developed a leading Reputation Management and Online Review service which handles the entire process for your business.

Our team handles the setup, execution, and management of all online reviews. In addition to this, we also offer a kiosk service, text back review service, and more. Call or email our team today to learn how you can get started.

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4 Ways to Optimize Your Facebook Page

4 Ways to Optimize Your Facebook Page

You wouldn’t believe how often I hear from businesses who want to succeed on Facebook, but have terrible business pages. You wouldn’t wear a t-shirt and jeans to an interview, so why would you expect to earn credibility on Facebook with a half-finished page?

The problem is usually that they don’t know where to begin with fixing their business page. So I’m going to review some of the most common Facebook page fails I see that you can fix!

1. Earn the Quick Response Badge
If people aren’t reaching out to you on Facebook, it’s probably because they don’t think you’re listening. For businesses that respond quickly to messages (less than 15 minutes) and often (to at least 90% of messages), Facebook rewards them with the “Very responsive to messages” badge.

Why does that matter? It encourages users to reach out with their questions since they know they’ll hear back from you quickly. It can be challenging to cut down your response time, but responding quickly will mean more attention from customers who know that you’re ready and waiting to hear from them!

2. Fill in the Bios
You would not believe how many people don’t fill in the biography sections of their Facebook business page. You want people to know what you do and who you are, right? Then fill in the space that’s made for telling them exactly that!

There are two bios for Facebook business pages, and they require different approaches. The shorter bio section should be written to be concise and punchy. This isn’t where people want to read your business’ life story—they just want to find out what you do and, ideally, get a taste of your personality.

The longer bio is where you want to talk about your business’ origins, growth, etc. Brag your heart out! Tell your followers about what sets you apart and how you ensure customer satisfaction. This is your chance to explain what makes your business unique, so don’t waste it!

3. Add a CTA
Your Facebook page will ideally inspire users to take some sort of action, so why not remind them of that? Your CTA will be right below your cover photo, which is great since this is definitely the kind of thing that you want prominently displayed. The CTA presets are:

  • Book services
  • Get in touch
  • Learn more
  • Make a purchase or donation

But honestly, those are pretty flat. Customize your CTA to have a little more oomph! Direct statements like “Buy now” or “Start shopping” work best!

4. Turn On Reviews
If you’re not letting customers post reviews on your Facebook page, that’s an immediate red flag to a new follower. It implies that you’re anticipating bad reviews, and nobody wants to buy from a company that’s expecting customer dissatisfaction.

So turn on the reviews! If you get great reviews, it’ll encourage users to buy from you. If you get negative reviews, you can still respond to them and show that your brand cares about what its customers are saying. If your business is offering a half decent product or service, then there’s no real way to lose!

Turn Your Facebook Page Around
There is always a way to make Facebook work if you’re willing to put the time into it. Instead of resigning yourself to a shoddy Facebook page, use these tips to attract new customers and engage with your audience!

Do you want to talk about other ways to optimize your Facebook page? Schedule your free consultation with The Go! Agency!

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4 Steps To Improve Twitter Customer Communication

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We all know about Twitter by now. Public figures and celebrities are always using this amazing platform to sound out messages, for better or for worse, to the masses. But millions of brands are using Twitter to reach out to their customers through social media marketing. The best way to do this? Offer innovative customer service solutions.

A major part of any social media marketing strategy is to employ a successful customer service strategy by using the platforms billions of people prefer. One of the most popular platforms for customer service has become Twitter. In fact over 58% of small businesses are on Twitter and use it for customer service.

Here are the best ways to use Twitter for better customer communication:

1. Offer open communication

Twitter is a great way to deliver top-notch customer service in a quick and convenient fashion. If someone sends a message or mentions your brand, you need to respond and quickly. Some businesses even have a specific Twitter account just for “support” communication, which is a great service to offer your customers because they’ll know exactly where to go when they have questions. We highly recommend this method, as it will also categorize customer service and content marketing tweets separately.

2. Response

If someone tweets at your brand, you better prepare a professional response and send it out quickly. It’s important to show that you care about your customers. The best part about this is that, when paired with a customer-support-exclusive Twitter account, the answers to common questions and concerns can be publicly displayed in your feed. Of course, many people will go the “private message” route. These messages should receive a professional, friendly, and fast response as well.

3. Start the conversation

Another important way to open up Twitter to better customer service is to open the floor to open communication. Let’s face it — Twitter is all about people talking. Turn your Twitter page into a social gathering by giving people a reason to begin a conversation. Ask your audience what their favorite product is, ask for feedback about a new service, or even offer a Q&A session. 

4. Go Live 

As predicted, live video continues to rock social media and Twitter is no exception. When it comes to customer service, there’s nothing better than instant answers, and live video gives your customers just that. By providing answers in real time, you’re not only helping the person who asked the question, but you could also be answering questions that other people have. We’ve used this method here at The Go! Agency and have started many rewarding conversations with customers this way.

Twitter is easy to learn, but it takes time to master. With over 320 million people flying around the platform, your ideal audience is already there, waiting for your awesome customer service stupport.

Get started on Twitter today by contacting us! Our team of social media experts is here to help your business soar. Click here to learn more:  http://ow.ly/PPeb30jtS06

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4 Ways To Add A Human Element To Social Media Marketing

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Here’s one of the biggest secrets of the social media marketing world — people like to speak with other people. The human element of our work is what makes it stand out from any other form of content marketing. Brands can connect with customers and build lasting, long-term relationships like never before. But how do you add a healthy dose of humanity to your content strategy?

We recently spoke with Todd, the marketing manager of a fast-growing app company. While being firmly set in the tech world, Todd had a hard time grasping social media marketing , especially when we told him the content he had been publishing lacked a bit of the human touch. These are the suggestions we offered Todd:

1. A casual tone. Yes, you want your brand to come off as professional. However, you also want your brand to have an approachable position. Your copy should be written in a way that your followers feel comfortable enough to interact with it. Ask questions, invite comments, and have some enthusiasm in your content.

2. Showcase your favorite people. Do you have great customer stories to share? Send them out and do so often! Share testimonials, reviews, and customer feedback. This will make your customers smile because it shows how much you listen to your audience.

3. Offer a “behind the scenes” look. What better way to make your organization look more human than to show the humans that run it? Speak with your employees and share their story on social media. Explore your office with Facebook Live broadcasts. Host Q&As with various different members of your staff and address your audience head-on. It’s a proven method to get people talking! 

4. Chatbots. Wait, chatbots? Yes! Chatbots may seem to be the opposite of human, but if you have a well-developed chatbot, the experience will capture your brand’s tone, message, and mission ; all while seeming conversational. You can capture a human tone through your responses and push the envelope on customer service in the process.

It’s important to show the human side of your business on social media. If you try to approach this type of marketing without considering the, well, social side, you will fail to generate the right level of engagement. The good news is that if you follow the above steps, your brand will have an approachable and effective content strategy.

Click here to learn how we can help your brand perfect its tone on social media! http://ow.ly/ngnZ30jtNvO 

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4 Steps To Writing A Professional “Away” Message

Write a Professional "Away" Message

Customer service is one of the main reasons why Facebook Messenger has risen above most other messaging apps. With its connection to Facebook itself, users can contact brands on Facebook easier than ever before. But what happens when a customer sends over a message at 5:01p.m. and your team leaves at 5:00? If you have a great customer service team, you may have reps who are willing to stay a few minutes to respond to that message. But what happens if your company receives a message at 3:00 a.m.?

The best answer to this is to create an away message for your Facebook Messenger. It will automatically reply during your off hours, which you or your social media marketer can set up in Facebook’s settings. Your message should be well thought out and informative. 

Here are four simple steps to take so you can create a message like this:

1. Friendly and professional tone. First, you need to set the tone. Obviously, this isn’t the message that your customers thought they would see, so make sure this surprise is positive, friendly, and professional. Apologize that you missed them, ensure that their message is important, and that you will get back to them as soon as possible.

2. Offer information. Before they become upset that you’re not at the office, make sure you include your hours of operation. This will help them gain a better understanding of your business, and also when to expect a response. Additionally, add your phone number and other basic info. This may answer their question without any further steps, but whether their question is answered or not, you should still reply when you return to the office. 

3. Offer resources. You may not be able to help them in real time, but you can still be a resource. Provide a link to the F.A.Q. page on your website or links to pages that answer some common questions that your customers ask. These links should be helpful and be very easy to navigate.

4. Gratitude and a promise. The whole goal of this message is to make sure that the customer understands that their message didn’t fall down some virtual rabbit hole and itwill never be received. So making sure they feel appreciated and heard is key.

Here is an example of a well-executed auto-reply away message:

Hey [name], thank you so much for reaching out to Green Logic, LLC. Our hours of operations are Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. We’re sorry we missed you today, but we assure you that we will see your message as soon we log back in! In the meantime, be sure to visit our F.A.Q. page here for some quick answers. We promise we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you! 

We can’t all have a team ready to respond 24/7. For those times that your office is empty and your team’s smartphones are off, an away message is important. The above steps can help you make a message that will make your customers smile.

Click here to learn how our team can help you with any aspect of social media marketing: https://ribbitmediasolutions.com/

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3 Steps To Timely Customer Service On Social Media

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Sorry 1-800 numbers, social media is the new way to reach out to a brand. There’s no hold music, no dropped calls, no “transferring to another department.” All those infamous customer service pet peeves are fading away thanks to social media marketing. But is your customer service team using this platform right?

When a brand is represented on social media, they are automatically expected to give a response in under an hour. In fact, studies show that approximately 65% of people who reach out to a brand via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or another platform expect a response within an hour. They want their inquiries responded to at a rapid rate– and who can blame them? Everything else is happening at lightning speed thanks to the internet, so why should their friendly, professional, and thorough answers come at a slower pace?

If you’re one of the many businesses that respond slower than the “one hour standard” or fail to respond at all, you need to checkout these tips.

1. Have a rep at the ready. Your business should always have someone available to respond to customer inquiries. The best and most obvious way to do this is give your employees access to the social media platforms on their mobile devices. Even on the go, they can offer a quick response. They may not have all the answers right in front of them as if they were at their desktop, but they can refer them to the right solution.

2. Establish your hours. Don’t feel like setting up a night-shift rep? Many companies don’t want to have a rep immediately available at all times, especially after their hours of operations have ended. There’s an easy answer to this. You can create and schedule an automated “away” message inside Facebook itself. If you really want to go the extra mile for your customers, include helpful links that answer the most common questions. 

3. Chatbots. A chatbot should not replace a live person. Instead, it should enhance your customer’s experience. If created correctly, chatbots can help customers with troubleshooting issues, placing orders, and much more. People love getting an immediate response when they have a question, and chatbots run 24/7, so they’re a great way to keep your customers happy.

As you can see, it’s easy to always be in touch with your customer base. If you respond fast enough, Facebook will reward you with a note at the top of your page (and will sometimes even alert your page visitors!) that says  “Usually responds within an hour.” This is something your a business should strive for, because it lets your customers know that you provide great customer service. 

Looking for help with your social media marketing? You’ve come to the right place. Our team of marketers are here to help you achieve the best customer service possible. Click here to get started: http://ow.ly/Zgrh30jm0nU

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5 Ways You’re Failing To Communicate With Customers On Social Media


Does it seem like you’re speaking a different language than your customers? You actually might be! Now, I’m not saying you accidentally wrote your Facebook updates in Japanese, but perhaps you’re not speaking the way your customers like or understand.
Social media, in a nutshell, is about two things – communication and community. Yes, I know, sales may be your top priority, but social media takes a different route. As such, you’re going to need to know your customers and how they talk, or rather, how they expect you to talk. Here is why your writing may be your social media downfall:

1. Tone. Social media is the same as any other form of marketing in the respect that your company needs consistency. The language you use should be of the same tone as everything you do. Are you a business that gives off fun vibes, like a beverage or fashion line? Then keep it fun! Are you a divorce lawyer? Then maybe you should stick to a more professional feel. Either way, the right tone is essential to powerful and unique messages.

2. Technicalities. Some industries require customers to understand the nitty-gritty mechanics of the product. Others are better off simply explaining the benefits of the product. After all, a cleaning supply company probably won’t disclose all the science behind their products. On the other hand, a computer company may explain the type of processor or monitor screen resolution.

3. Content. Social media marketers need to study what kind of content their audience responds to the most. Whether it’s promotional posts, news articles, or even memes, it’s up to YOU to make sure there is engagement!

4. Timing. Each platform has a different “prime time” for posting. Some scheduling times are more effective than others. However, your audience is also an important factor. Your demographic should shape when your content is sent out. Some people check the internet on Tuesdays at 10:00am, others at Friday at 9:00pm. Study your followers!

5. Living in a bubble. Ignoring trends, holidays, current events, and the like is a bad path to take. You do not want to isolate your brand and role out the same content over and over. Your customers want a brand that can relate.

Who is your ideal customer? The answer to that defining question should determine how you talk, what you talk about, and when you say it. It’s imperative that you pinpoint your ideal demographic and the people you want to sell to. Otherwise, you might as well be speaking a different language!

Are you ready to reach out to your customers like never before? Contact us today to create an effective marketing strategy!


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Tap Into Your Customer’s Mind Through Social Media


What is a marketer’s job? To promote a business, right? No. Actually, it’s to be a mind reader. Every piece of data that we study, every update we publish, every advertisement we create, is all in an effort to create something that adheres to the customer’s mindset. This is why psychics would make such good marketers. However, we can’t tap into our audience’s minds, as nice as it would be. There is good news, though. We have the next best thing.

Social media allows us to study the public’s reaction to our marketing efforts. Never before has there been such an accurate and analytical marketing medium as this. Sure, we can have focus groups, polls, studies, and even articles written about traditional marketing efforts. Yet with social media marketing, we literally have the raw reactions to our strategies before us.

How exactly do we see this? The answer, like many social media related issues, lies in engagement. Obviously, if you’ve struck a chord with your followers, they will like, share, comment, retweet, upvote, message, and rate your content. If not, then your engagement may look a little desolate. That in no way means you have to give up, however. That just means you have to go back to the drawing board. Even successful marketers regularly restrategize.

As we’ve seen with events such as the Presidential Election and other significant events, people have no problem sharing their thoughts online. Comments are precious assets not only for marketing but how your business is perceived by your customers as a whole. Do yourself a favor and read the comments on your pages. You’ll be surprised at how much insight you can receive. Additionally, more innovative ways like Facebook Reactions and Quote Tweeting will further tap into your fans’ psyches.

Social media marketing gives us a “backstage pass” into your customers’ thinking. While we may not be able to see what they’re thinking exactly, their real and organic reactions speak wonders.

Contact us today to get on board with social media marketing and begin connecting with your customers like never before.

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Social Media: The Front Lines Of Customer Communication


Customers are the lifeforce of a business. For multiple reasons, a business simply cannot thrive without a substantial customer base. Social media marketing isn’t any different. Without followers, a business is just talking to itself. Our customers are the reason we have the marketing industry in the first place, and we take that concept a step further with social media. Each post written should be catered to a business’ audience and adhere to their wants. However, this new avenue of communication does much more than that. We are able to converse with our audience in new and exciting ways that could benefit any company. Here are the best ways that a customer can receive “above and beyond” customer service.

Since communication is one of the key parts of social media, a business page should perfect their responses and reply time. Like every action a company’s representative takes, activity online needs to be professional, friendly, and proofread. However, you will also want to be quick about it. A fast response, typically less than 24 hours, will be required to keep up a good online rapport. This will also show your company’s reactivity to negative comments or reviews. Keep smiling, stay positive, and do not confront them, even if they are acting hostile.

Are you unsure about how a product is doing? Good news! Your audience is right there, waiting to be asked. Since polls are easy to complete, they are a great way to engage your audience and to receive insightful knowledge. You will be surprised how many followers will participate in a poll that is embedded in a post. You can use this to tweak current services and products or to discover what your customers want next! Wouldn’t it be great if all companies offered this?

Consumers want to buy from a company that keeps giving and social media is the way to do that. We are able to provide customers and followers with new means of communications, but you can also deliver interesting content that may not land you an instant sale, but will attract new eyes to your brand.

How do you use social media for customer service? Share your thoughts with us!

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Why Customers Are Your Biggest Social Media Fans


We’re aware of all the benefits social media has when it comes to personal communication. We’re able to connect like never before! That’s true when it comes to customer service as well. Each platform gives us unique opportunities to reach out to customers in innovative ways. Huffington Post explains how social media allows businesses to drop an intimidating veil and come down to an approachable level. Here are the top ways businesses benefit from what will define our generation in terms of business and human interaction:

  • Technically speaking, businesses now have access to a ton more data. Whether it’s customer reviews, demographics, or analytics, social media now helps get the numbers straight. We are able to look into the minds (and conversations) of our customer bases. This allows us to create better content, more engaging posts, and essentially adapt to the needs of the market.
  • Businesses now have a direct line to their customers. They don’t have to worry about other mediums like television channels and press releases if they don’t have to. If they want to reach out, all they have to do is press the “Publish” button. Now, with updates to Facebook’s Messenger app, we can greet them with immediate replies in case there isn’t someone near a screen to reply. There are also AI systems in the works so you can allow your customers to enjoy a quick, automated process.
  • As stated earlier, social media allows businesses to be human. They now communicate like everyone else and can have a real conversation. This is why we post engaging, fun content instead of constantly barraging our followers with ads. This is supposed to be social media, not a sales pitch.

We see a big shift in the way businesses market and advertise thanks to social media’s tools. The internet has opened up a whole new world for professionals to reach out to customers in a fluid, organic, and frankly, fun way.

For more on how social media changes the engagement of customers, check out Huffington Post’s article here: http://ow.ly/FH4P3008ThL

How has social media helped your business? Let us know!

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Bulletproof Marketer