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4 Ways To Add A Human Element To Social Media Marketing

4 Ways To Add A Human Element To Social Media Marketing

Here’s one of the biggest secrets of the social media marketing world — people like to speak with other people. The human element of our work is what makes it stand out from any other form of content marketing. Brands can connect with customers and build lasting, long-term relationships like never before. But how do you add a healthy dose of humanity to your content strategy?

We recently spoke with Todd, the marketing manager of a fast-growing app company. While being firmly set in the tech world, Todd had a hard time grasping social media marketing , especially when we told him the content he had been publishing lacked a bit of the human touch. These are the suggestions we offered Todd:

1. A casual tone. Yes, you want your brand to come off as professional. However, you also want your brand to have an approachable position. Your copy should be written in a way that your followers feel comfortable enough to interact with it. Ask questions, invite comments, and have some enthusiasm in your content.

2. Showcase your favorite people. Do you have great customer stories to share? Send them out and do so often! Share testimonials, reviews, and customer feedback. This will make your customers smile because it shows how much you listen to your audience.

3. Offer a “behind the scenes” look. What better way to make your organization look more human than to show the humans that run it? Speak with your employees and share their story on social media. Explore your office with Facebook Live broadcasts. Host Q&As with various different members of your staff and address your audience head-on. It’s a proven method to get people talking! 

4. Chatbots. Wait, chatbots? Yes! Chatbots may seem to be the opposite of human, but if you have a well-developed chatbot, the experience will capture your brand’s tone, message, and mission ; all while seeming conversational. You can capture a human tone through your responses and push the envelope on customer service in the process.

It’s important to show the human side of your business on social media. If you try to approach this type of marketing without considering the, well, social side, you will fail to generate the right level of engagement. The good news is that if you follow the above steps, your brand will have an approachable and effective content strategy.

Click here to learn how we can help your brand perfect its tone on social media! http://ow.ly/ngnZ30jtNvO 

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One Comment Published

Reply May 2 / 2018

human element defo works for me!

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