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How to Save Your Failing Facebook Page

How to Save Your Failing Facebook Page

Everyone wants Facebook marketing to work out, but sometimes it just doesn’t. The good news is that Facebook is bigger than ever. The bad news is that means that you probably did something wrong.

It’s okay, it happens! I’ve seen a lot of business owners make choices that cause their businesses to fail, so let me show you how to make better choices that will turn your failing Facebook page around.

Solidify Brand Style
Good branding is the backbone of any marketing campaign, and it’s probably the area where I see the most business owners fail.

Make sure that all of your branded visuals are cohesive. That means that they should have similar color palettes (if you use one shade of green for your Facebook cover photo, that same shade of green should be in branded visuals) and generally look similar enough that if you saw all the images on a single flyer, it wouldn’t look jarring.

Beyond that, your brand has a certain way that it speaks, too. If half of your updates are casual and filled with emojis, then the other half shouldn’t be formal with no contractions and lots of semicolons. Your updates should look like the same person wrote them and, just as importantly, they should be written in a way that appeals to your target audience.

Curate Content
I don’t care if your business is based on skydiving with Ryan Gosling—no business is exciting enough to ONLY talk about itself 24/7. You need to spice up your content mix with industry articles, trending topics, etc.

This stops your page from getting stale. You probably want Facebook marketing to boost your revenue, but posting promotional content every day of the week just isn’t going to do it.

When you curate appealing, relevant content, your audience is much more likely to engage with it and be more interested in your future content. So while you’ll have fewer promos, you’ll also see more engagement and traffic from those posts!

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Start the Conversation
If people aren’t engaging with your business on Facebook, that doesn’t mean that all is lost. It just means that you need to engage with them instead!

One tool that I like to use is asking questions that will help spark a conversation. So maybe link to an article related to your industry and end the update copy with “What did you find most surprising?” or “What did you think of point #3?” That way there’s an easy way for them to respond without them having to do all the heavy lifting, and then your comments section is now a conversation hub as people discuss their answers to your question.

Pin Top Content
Did your big announcement post not go as well as you’d hoped? It’s probably because people didn’t see it!

With Facebook posts, content on your page will show up in chronological order. So if you make a big announcement about your exciting new product or service, it’s only going to be at the top of the page for so long before it’s buried by less important updates.

The trick is to pin top content to the top of your page so that visitors can always find the big stories first. No big announcement right now? Pin content that has already attracted a fair bit of engagement. Think of it as leading with your best foot forward—if your followers liked that content, then why not make it easier for more users to see it?

Don’t Settle for Mediocrity
Facebook fails happen, but you can’t just give up on your page as a lost cause. With some marketing know-how and time to invest in your page, you’ll find that you can turn things around for your business! These are the common solutions that I’ve seen work over and over, so try them out and tell me what results you find!

Do you have more specific concerns about your Facebook page? Tell me about them during your free consultation with The Go! Agency!

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