Web Wisdom AI


  • Identify anyone who visits your website in real-time
  • Find out how they found you and what they are viewing
  • Increase prospects for sales and marketing
  • Identify new industries to target
  • Analyze keywords in real-time keyword
  • Track everyone who clicks on your email or calls your business


This single solution gives you the ability to identify your website visitors and along with all the tools you need to follow up with potential customers, increase your overall sales, and improve your SEO and ROI.

So, what is it?

Web Wisdom AI contains a set of “Sales Enablement Tools” so you can give your sales and marketing team critical information in real time so they can make contact with potential leads early on in the “Buyer’s Journey.”

And the earlier you can make a connection, the more likely you will close more sales.

Feature Line Up

  • Anonymous Website Visitor Identification

    You can determine who is visiting your website and what are they looking for.

  • Client Email Tracking

    Use our Gmail and Outlook plugin and track when emails are opened with a “Read Receipt.”

  • Call Tracking

    Track your phone calls back to the person and advertising channel that prompted the call.

  • Email Campaign Integration

    Identify individuals visiting your website through your outbound email marketing efforts.

  • Form Capture

    Research and track your conversions.

  • Integration

    Integrate with over 1 ,OOO+ applications With Zapjer.

Web Wisdom AI


  • Your website is leaking leads…

    Research shows that only about 2% of all website visitors will ever call or submit an email form. We pull the curtain back on the other 98% by providing an unprecedented set of data that your sales and marketing team can put to work in real time.

  • The “Buyer’s Journey”

    Approximately 70% of the “Buyer’s Journey” is completed before contacting sales. We can identify the companies and provide contacts to enable your sales team to enter the journey during the “Framing” phase.

  • Anonymous Visitor Identification

    This set of sales and marketing enablement tools provides the insights you need to find and track your anonymous website visitors and get involved in the buyer’s journey from the very first moments. We’ll arm your team with more information about your leads than ever before.

how does Web Wisdom AI Work?


A prospect visits your website, automatically activating Web Wisdom AI


Web Wisdom AI
researches the prospect


Web Wisdom AI gathers information including:

  • Company name
  • Interest and buying intent
  • Contact information
  • And more

Web Wisdom AI
delivers all this information in a detailed email notification in real time

Identification Process

How are we different than analytics?

How does it work?

We collect data from telecommunication providers worldwide. This data is used to query other data sources and create the ultimate mash-up which is delivered to your sales team in real-time.


You will receive Instant email notification of the prospect on your website.

What we provide

  • Company name
  • Address
  • Possible Contacts
    • Name
    • Title
    • Phone
    • Email
  • Page view details for understanding the buyer’s interest
  • Keyword information
  • Campaign information
  • Quick links for additional research



Avoid the “Proposal Gone Cold”

So, you sent a proposal and then the prospect went silent. Turns out, though, Web Wisdom AI says they’re returning to your website. Don’t miss this opportunity for a follow up.


Outbound sales effectiveness

Make your cold calling more effective. Find out if these prospects are visiting your website and use Web Wisdom AI to gauge the effectiveness of your outbound campaigns.


Email campaigns, after the click

The integrated email campaign feature helps determine who is visiting your site and when after the initial email blast. Once the individual is tagged, you will always know when they return.


Market Segmentation

Gain an understanding of the types of companies you are attracting to your site with your current marketing strategy.



Keep track of your everyday analytics and Keyword efforts

Web Wisdom AI goes beyond just identifying companies. It can also provide important information about your consumers. Our Form Capture Integration and Email Campaign Integration features give you the ability to get detailed information on your website visitors.

On top of that, Client Email Tracking shows you who has opened your email and Call Tracking gives you the ability to track both your online and offline marketing efforts.

Email Campaign Integration

Track email addresses that come to your site through your email blasts. While your email service will let you know if someone opened your emails and clicked a link, we take the reporting further. We create a trackable link to paste into the call-to-action section of your email, which will tag the recipient when they click on the email link and let you know exactly who is visiting your website, and every time they come back. This is powerful information for your sales and marketing team.

Form Capture Integration:

This feature allows you to integrate your current forms on your website to track and tag the individuals who fill them out. You can track their behavior each time they come back to your website and determine the buying intent of the visitor.

Client Email Tracking:

This feature lets you see what happens after you click “Send”. When you tag your email, you will get instant notifications when someone opens your email after being sent “without a read receipt notice”. This also updates the links in the email that go to your website with tagging. So, when the recipient clicks on your links, you will always know when they are returning.

Call Tracking:

In simple terms, call tracking is the ability to trace phone calls back to the person who initiated the call, and connect it to the relevant advertising channel that prompted the call to your business. You have the ability to track your marketing efforts and determine which delivered the highest ROI.

Call tracking works by assigning unique phone numbers to different advertising sources. When the prospect sees your ad, they call the unique phone number which is then forwarded to your regular business phone (or whatever number you would like). We are then able to collect metrics about the call, record and transcribe the call if you would like, notify you by text or email, and many more options.

Zapier Integration:

You have the ability to integrate the data from our service with more than 1,000 applications. You can do this integration without any programming and only a few minutes of setup. This is accomplished by our integration with Zapier (an application integration service). So, if you want to automatically send contacts to your CRM, it is just a few clicks and it is done.

Google Ads Integration:

Google started encrypting keyword information several years ago. This impacts everyone trying to understand their keyword data and efforts. We have designed a workaround for our clients to help them better understand their Google Ads keyword data.

Best Part? It is quick and painless to start!

And all of this for a VERY low monthly fee. If you would like to learn more, Please reach out to us today :866-926-2636 or via the form below:

Bulletproof Marketer