Author : Christopher Tompkins

Your Last-Minute Holiday Marketing Guide

Your Last-Minute Holiday Marketing Guide

The gifts are wrapped, Christmas decorations have immediately replaced Halloween decorations, and soon Santa Claus will soon be violating international airspace laws to bring gifts to children around the world. Time is almost up…but you’re falling behind on your marketing goals, don’t fret! You’re not out completely of luck. While the holiday season is the […]

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How to Grow an Audience: Brand Loyalty

How to Grow an Audience Brand Loyalty

What is loyalty?  In a sort of medieval sense, we think of it as a mass of people swearing fealty to a king or other institution. But it’s 2021, and there’s a lot of competition for that king slot. Being a well-known brand isn’t enough to guarantee you a massive following anymore. You have to […]

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Can You Market on Pinterest?

Can You Market on Pinterest

Here’s the one bit of advice to remember if you want to be a successful digital marketer: look at everything as a resource. Someone who says “X social media site isn’t good for marketing” is a rookie and you should only look at any of their marketing advice with a healthy dose of suspicion. Every […]

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Content Creators vs. Influencers

Content Creators vs. Influencers

The use of influencers and content creators has become key in marketing campaigns. Due to their massive audiences or mastery of content, these people can be invaluable when it comes to producing quality work and getting it in front of a massive audience. However, they’re far from interchangeable. First, it’ll probably be helpful to define […]

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Why Are You Being Ignored Online?

Why Are You Being Ignored Online

Who do professionals listen to online? What influences them to act and buy the products or services that they do? It’s really no secret—it’s thought leaders, the power influencers of any given industry. But there is no ribbon or knighthood ceremony that grants a thought leader their position of power. Here’s the real secret: thought […]

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