Author : Christopher Tompkins

“I Have Enough Sales – I Don’t Need Social Media” – Why Social Media Marketing is Not All About Sales


One thing I hear again and again at trade shows, speaking engagements, consultations and even on sales calls is the statement “I have enough sales, I don’t need social media.” This statement is one that I completely understand.  If the sales were pouring in using traditional marketing methods, why would you go for social media […]

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My Social Media Company Did What?! 10 Questions to Ask a Social Media Marketing Company Before You Hire Them


Yesterday something happened that spurred me on to write this article and help protect other businesses.  I had a sales call scheduled with the owner of a beauty company.  They reached out to us, gave us some initial information and we decided via email it would be best to connect “live” to learn more about […]

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Bulletproof Marketer