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How to Generate Leads Through Social Media

How to Generate Leads Through Social Media

Social media. Doing it is time-consuming. Doing it well can be tedious, laborious, and frustrating. Now imagine, pouring all that time and effort into your social media channels only to have no return? I’ve watched horror movies that scared me less than that last sentence…

Generating leads is the marketer’s end goal for social media. You want people to buy what you’re selling, whether that’s a product, a service, or something else. The object of being on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like is to get interaction which you can turn into sales, or “conversions” if you want to get technical. The way to do this? Generating leads. A lead is someone you come into contact with, either by reaching out or drawing them in, who will ultimately end up taking what you’re offering. 

Is generating leads easy? It can be if you know how to work it. I’m going to give you a few tips for lead generation, but the most important thing I can tell you is to avoid appearing like a salesman at all costs. Do NOT ping people out of the blue and say “You look like someone who needs my product!” You’ll look like a robot, one that will probably spread a virus to their computer.

Also, be sure that what you’re putting on your feed is what audiences are going to want to see. It should be professional but skillfully implement the tone you’re going for. Research the kinds of posts your audience interacts with.

Now that we have the basics out of the way, some advice for getting into the nitty-gritty of lead generation.

Know Your Channels

This may sound obvious, but it’s something I find most non-professional marketers fail to keep in mind. Tailor your networking approach for the social media channels that you’re using. Your strategy should not be the same for both Facebook and Instagram, two platforms that serve different purposes and wildly different demographics. 

If your company’s business is mostly B2B, Facebook is not the appropriate format to be reaching out to potential leads on. You will come across as spammy. LinkedIn is where you would want to go looking for leads who are professionals that could benefit from your product or service. InMail that is more upfront about its sales-centric approach is much less likely to get ignored there. Still, though, be careful about the tone you’re using.

Bring Your Followers to You

Social media is great for maintaining an audience and getting eyes on your brand, but if you want to build leads and get much-needed sales, social media isn’t really the ideal platform for transactions. The best way to get conversions is to take your lead from social media to somewhere you have more control.

A landing page is an ideal format for this. Something simple that only gives your lead two options: convert or don’t. Taking the reader to a landing page on your site eliminates the distraction of social media and puts their eyes directly in front of your product. It’s not difficult to do this; say you’re trying to get someone to sign up for your webinar. At the end of your post, include a call to action that reads “To learn more, watch our quick, free webinar!” and then a link to your landing page where all they’ll see is the option to watch the webinar. Bait the line, reel them in, don’t give them the opportunity for distraction.

Make Use of Targeted Ads

The major social media sites offer the ability to target ads to specific sets of audiences. Putting your brands right in front of the eyes of potential customers within your demographic only helps your conversion rate, and lowers your bounce rate by not leading uninterested customers through the process.

The world of targeted ads is vast and deserving of its own blog, but they are the closest thing to a safe bet you can get through advertising on social media. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram offer a pretty wide array of options for ad presentation, many of which cut steps out of the process, making it more like that potential customers will make it over the conversion finish line.

If this all sounds a little overwhelming, that’s because it is! I get it, this isn’t the kind of thing you as a business owner want to be dealing with. My team at The Go! Agency has the experience of working on many campaigns just like yours, and we can easily accomplish the goals you have in mind for your brand. All you have to do is call!

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13 Clever And Effective Content Hacks You Should Know

13 Clever And Effective Content Hacks You Should Know

by Forbes Agency Council | Expert Panel 

There are some ways of throwing together content that get a lot more traction than others. “Hacking” the content creation process allows a creator to be more effective and efficient with the content they produce.

With so much information about content writing and marketing, it’s still difficult to ascertain how a professional can fast-track their content and make it more attractive to the core audience. To help, 13 experts from Forbes Agency Council come to the rescue with their own useful content hacks that any marketer or content writing professional can apply to their own work.

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com, on February 12, 2021. Read the rest of the article here.


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11 Ways To Identify The Best Tech Solutions For An Agency

11 Ways To Identify The Best Tech Solutions For An Agency

by Forbes Agency Council | Expert Panel 

With the volume of technology available, agency leaders face a tough challenge in figuring out what the best solutions for their organizations are. Introducing new technology that doesn’t meet your needs, or adopting tools without properly training the employees who will use them, is a waste of money.

Whenever a company invests in technology, it should bring an immediate benefit to the employees and the business as a whole. Below, 11 leaders from Forbes Agency Council offer their best advice on how to identify the most viable and valuable technological solutions for your agency.

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com, on February 12, 2021. Read the rest of the article here.


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15 Effective Ways To Leverage ‘Doomscrolling’ In Your Marketing

15 Effective Ways To Leverage ‘Doomscrolling’ In Your Marketing

by Forbes Agency Council | Expert Panel 

The year 2020 was so unpredictable and full of surprises — the overwhelming majority of them unpleasant or downright terrible — that people didn’t know what to expect next. To keep up to date with the latest developments, people have taken to their social media feeds to do damage inspection at the beginning of each new day. Popular culture has termed the phenomenon “doomscrolling,” and it’s become a commonplace activity for most people.

With people spending more time on social media, new opportunities can emerge for marketers to raise awareness of their brand and even gain more followers and customers. So how can marketers leverage doomscrolling to their benefit?

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com, on February 11, 2021. Read the rest of the article here.


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Facebook is Changing…Are You? How to Keep ahead of Constant Social Media Shake-Ups

Facebook is Changing...Are You_ How to Keep ahead of Constant Social Media Shake-Ups

Because it’s a day that ends in “y”, one of our social media institutions has decided to make sweeping changes. This time, it’s Facebook who’s changing up the way digital marketers use its platform. Now: don’t be alarmed, a lot of these changes are positive and will make running your company’s page a little easier. However, if you don’t take action and account for the coming changes, you could end up losing precious followers!

The major change? Facebook will be removing the ability to “Like” a page, which will clear up the confusion between liking a page and following it, but if you don’t take action to get your audience to follow your page, you’re going to lose a lot of engagement as soon as this change rolls around. Make sure your audience is aware of this! Have a pinned post at the top of your page, make stories, have a few updates about it before the change-day comes. It’s not going to be easy to regain all those followers if you just let them drop off; Facebook feeds are clogged as is, they may not even realize they’re no longer seeing your content unless they’re a dedicated fan of your company.

That’s the only change that you need to worry about, but there are going to be a series of new features that will enhance the user experience for brands using social media. A Q&A feature will be added to mobile so that you can have a database of asked and answered questions for customers to refer to, and a new Pages exclusive news feed will be added so that you’ll see content from relevant sources and have a broader networking opportunity.

Because this change is just one in a tidal wave of updates that social media platforms have been making, I want to take the rest of this post and talk about how we can anticipate and deal with the shifting nature of social media rather than getting stressed and scrambling for answers. It’s unlikely that anyone chance will spell death for your social media presence.

The easiest thing to do is make sure you’re keeping up with publications that talk exclusively about social media. There are several out there, Social Media Examiner is one that I like to use for just this reason. Trades are usually pretty on point with forecasting changes and noticing how trends are developing, so you’re less likely to be caught off-guard.

Another thing, make sure you’re going on these social media sites yourself. Don’t like your scheduling and content people handle it; get in there and try to be aware of even minor changes from log-in to log-in. Platforms very rarely announce their changes, a lot of the time sites like Facebook and Twitter will just change their layout or features seemingly overnight. So you’re going to need your finger on the proverbial pulse to be able to adapt.

Finally, don’t feel the need to respond to every change or hop on every new feature just because it’s new. Bandwagoning is going to cost you time and resources at some point if you just hop on trends willy nilly. Remember fleets, Twitter’s answer to Instagram stories? Well, the rollout was widely mocked, no one uses them, and it turns out that’s not what users log on to Twitter for! So why would you invest time in them? If a change doesn’t directly impact how you do business, sit back and wait to see how the change unfolds before investing time into it.

Navigating social media isn’t always easy; that’s why there are professionals to do it for you. Don’t you wish you could go back to just thinking about your business again, and leave the world of likes, shares, content, and metrics behind? You can! The Go! Agency is fully prepared to take your social media off your hands and give you what you’re actually looking for: results.

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Whose Campaign Is It Anyway? How To Get Your Clients To Do What’s Best For Them

client campaign

At some point, it will likely happen with every client. Either because they passionately believe in something or have chosen to exert control, at least once in every campaign you may have to talk your client out of making changes that could derail the success of their campaign.

When a client is adamant about a particular approach or element of their campaign, they can be difficult to reason with, even if you have a long history of success under your belt. Client negotiating is a key skill for marketers to develop and — believe it or not — there are ways to talk a client out of going down the wrong path.

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com, on February 8, 2021. Read the rest of the article here.


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12 Ways To Get Freelancers Aligned With A Company’s Business Goals

12 Ways To Get Freelancers Aligned With A Company’s Business Goals

by Forbes Agency Council | Expert Panel 

Employees usually go through an orientation that informs them of the company’s goals, how they can help achieve them and why. However, the gig economy is seeing many full-time employees being replaced by freelancers.

These newcomers usually don’t have the same view of the business as full-time employees. Companies, therefore, need to find a way to align these freelancers with their goals to ensure they have a solid understanding of the business and why they were contracted.

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com, on February 4, 2021. Read the rest of the article here.


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10 Essential Facts Agencies Should Consider Before Choosing A Niche

10 Essential Facts Agencies Should Consider Before Choosing A Niche

by Forbes Agency Council | Expert Panel 

There’s no question about it: capitalizing on a specific niche can be highly lucrative. Although, while specializing does open new avenues for earning and the potential to interact with different companies, it also has the side effect of limiting a company’s scope and potentially alienating existing clientele.

Before an agency decides to go this route, the leaders need to carefully consider some pertinent facts, ranging from the market’s potential to the team’s passion for the work. Below, ten contributors to Forbes Agency Council share some of the key considerations for any agency that wants to niche down.

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com, on February 2, 2021. Read the rest of the article here.


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Telling Stories: Tips for Using Social Media’s Story Features

Telling Stories Tips for Using Social Medias Story

One thing is true for every social media platform: they will evolve. And as a digital marketer, one of your essential duties is to evolve along with them and find out how you can tailor your message to be as effective as possible. The latest evolution? Stories.

Instagram started the stories phenomenon which Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn would all copy to varying degrees of success. Instagram and Tik Tok are at the forefront of short, story-based social media and the trend doesn’t seem to be diminishing. Story features allow for an added layer of audience interactivity with your brand that traditional platforms don’t have like polls and questions stickers, the answers to which you can mine for endless story content.

Ultimately, stories are just another version of the content you put out across your social media channels, but it’s important to go where audiences are going to get the most eyes on your brand. Don’t assume your brand is strong enough to get away with only posting on Facebook every other day.

If you’re entirely new to story features (or better yet, completely new to using Instagram), it’s feasible that you could spend a few hours in your “well what do I do?” period. I promise, though, it isn’t that hard! There are only five types of stories that a professional social media account is expected to release. 

  • Tutorials—short, process-based videos are all the rage, incredibly addicting, and have a high sharing potential. 
  • Content from your followers—if your followers tag you in posts or videos, don’t be afraid to share that on your stories feed! It provides you content and lets your community know you’re engaging with them.
  • Behind-the-scenes—everyone likes to feel like they’re watching something exclusive, so shoot a quick video of everybody hard at work on a “top-secret” project or maybe your office participating in a viral meme!
  • Advertise time-sensitive offers or promotions.
  • Make special announcements about upcoming products, features, you name it! Whatever your brand has to showcase.

Not every single one of these ideas is going to be applicable to your company, but you can definitely make use of at least three of them. Remember, you want these to look good, but at the end of the day, these two things should hold true: these are promotional, not entertainment and they aren’t a source of revenue, just another way to get your message in front of your audience. What I’m saying is, if you’re sweating it, you shouldn’t be.

Also, adding stories to your regular updates doesn’t need to be a whole production. If you want to shoot video, whip out your cell phone and try to hold it as steady as possible. This isn’t going to be released in theaters, after-all. Being attention-getting and making sure your message is clear are far more important than cinematic quality.

I encourage you to consider story features and videos as the next step in your digital marketing campaign. The future is visual and soon written updates for important announcements or launches are going to be second bananas to quality video and photography. We’re already seeing this with the domination of apps like Tik Tok, a medium so unstoppable that it overcame the ire of the President of the United States!

Of course, if you’re really being thrown for a loop, there’s no better way of ensuring quality content than entrusting your digital strategy with my team at The Go! Agency.

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12 Unique Ways To Engage Target Audiences With Video

12 Unique Ways To Engage Target Audiences With Video

by Forbes Agency Council | Expert Panel 

By now, most companies have realized how powerful video can be in promoting a brand or product. It can draw in audiences and convey a brand’s message better than written text or print graphics.

While professional production value goes a long way toward making a video popular (and possibly viral) on social media, incorporating highly original content could be even more important. Doing the same thing that everyone else is doing with video won’t garner attention for your brand.

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com, on January 29, 2021. Read the rest of the article here.


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