Tag : facebook

Why Data Is A Social Media Marketer’s Best Friend

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Is there something wrong with your company’s social media marketing? You may have spent a ton of time crafting updates and still, no fish are biting. Maybe you just can’t put your finger on what the problem is. It’s time to study your data. Social media analytics may reveal the weak links in your content or strategy so you can adapt to what your audience is responding to the most.
Every week, gather up your social media marketing team to study your analytics. Whether you use Hootsuite, Buffer, or just analyze the native numbers on the platform of choice, you need to review your data.

We always recommend posting 1-2 times a day on your social media accounts. Because of this constant stream of content, your company’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other accounts should have a decent amount of posts to study. Which updates rocked? Which flopped? Did a particular hashtag gather in the readers? Perhaps an image or video got people talking? What advertising efforts really struck a cord? All of these questions need to be answered. Since most successful social media marketers write for the upcoming week, you have the opportunity to change your formula ahead of time to make things work.

On top of your weekly analytics, you should also have an in-depth monthly review. Study the past weeks of your campaign on a macro level. How have your numbers risen or fallen? This data should help you set up goals for the next month, and reveal areas you need to improve.

It’s important to work on things when you notice them, don’t push them off. Otherwise, these problems have a tendency to compound and worsen.
Of course, data isn’t all about you. When you are planning the month ahead, you should speak with your team and come up with a game plan based on projected trending topics. What holidays are coming up? What season are you entering? Perhaps the upcoming month tends to be a slow time for business, or maybe it’s the beginning of an annual rush. Planning ahead is essential for your content calendar and the success of your marketing efforts.
As you can see, you should get excited over charts and graphs! If you are stumped as to why your social media marketing strategy is a dud, you are in luck thanks to all the analytics available to study. The right marketer knows how to harness this data and fine-tune a strategy to social media excellence.
Does your team know how to study analytics and data metrics? We do! We can help your business hit the spot on social media.
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5 Ways You’re Failing To Communicate With Customers On Social Media


Does it seem like you’re speaking a different language than your customers? You actually might be! Now, I’m not saying you accidentally wrote your Facebook updates in Japanese, but perhaps you’re not speaking the way your customers like or understand.
Social media, in a nutshell, is about two things – communication and community. Yes, I know, sales may be your top priority, but social media takes a different route. As such, you’re going to need to know your customers and how they talk, or rather, how they expect you to talk. Here is why your writing may be your social media downfall:

1. Tone. Social media is the same as any other form of marketing in the respect that your company needs consistency. The language you use should be of the same tone as everything you do. Are you a business that gives off fun vibes, like a beverage or fashion line? Then keep it fun! Are you a divorce lawyer? Then maybe you should stick to a more professional feel. Either way, the right tone is essential to powerful and unique messages.

2. Technicalities. Some industries require customers to understand the nitty-gritty mechanics of the product. Others are better off simply explaining the benefits of the product. After all, a cleaning supply company probably won’t disclose all the science behind their products. On the other hand, a computer company may explain the type of processor or monitor screen resolution.

3. Content. Social media marketers need to study what kind of content their audience responds to the most. Whether it’s promotional posts, news articles, or even memes, it’s up to YOU to make sure there is engagement!

4. Timing. Each platform has a different “prime time” for posting. Some scheduling times are more effective than others. However, your audience is also an important factor. Your demographic should shape when your content is sent out. Some people check the internet on Tuesdays at 10:00am, others at Friday at 9:00pm. Study your followers!

5. Living in a bubble. Ignoring trends, holidays, current events, and the like is a bad path to take. You do not want to isolate your brand and role out the same content over and over. Your customers want a brand that can relate.

Who is your ideal customer? The answer to that defining question should determine how you talk, what you talk about, and when you say it. It’s imperative that you pinpoint your ideal demographic and the people you want to sell to. Otherwise, you might as well be speaking a different language!

Are you ready to reach out to your customers like never before? Contact us today to create an effective marketing strategy!


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Avoid These 10 Social Media Media Marketing Poisons



We all know what poison is. In a nutshell, it’s a substance that causes harm to someone or something. Unfortunately, poison isn’t always marked with a giant skull and crossbones, nor is it an oozing green substance from fairy tales. Sometimes, such danger isn’t so obvious. This is especially true for social media marketing poison.

For social media, poison can be an “easy way out” or a seemingly innocent mistake. But marketers should beware! Check out the following social media dangers to avoid:

1. Inconsistency. The best way to make people forget about your brand and move onto a competitor is to be inconsistent with publishing posts. Huge gaps of time or sporadic scheduling will cause unfortunate consequences.

2. Plagiarism. Looking for some legal trouble? Then plagiarize away! There’s absolutely no reason to copy someone’s work without giving credit. Social media marketing offers us perfectly acceptable tools such as retweeting, sharing, repinning, etc. to curate content that fits your feel.

3. Unprofessionalism. Just like your personal social media profiles, there is etiquette to abide by. No cursing, no trash talking competition, no personal pictures, no using “I”. Don’t forget about the business you’re representing.

4. Veering off course. Remember your industry! While sharing interesting articles and engaging content is crucial to social media marketing success, don’t post things that are totally in left field. Keep things as relevant and centered around your field as possible.

5. No visuals. No pictures, videos, or GIFs? Boring! You will kill your social media profile by just looking unappealing. People are 80% more likely to check your content if you use imagery.

6. Ignoring customer outreach. Check your messages multiple times a day. Make sure your response time is less than 24 hours for everything that customers throw your way.

7. Living in a bubble. In it’s most primordial definition, social media is about community. Share others’ content, engage with followers, and start conversations by sharing polls, prompts, contents and more. Don’t isolate yourself from the community you’re trying to build. Talk it up!

8. Using personal opinion. Let’s be clear. Unless your company is by nature religious, political, or handles controversial subjects, it should NOT share an opinion. There will be someone out there that get’s offended.

9. Over-promoting. Even if you’re 100% using social media to boost sales, it can’t just be about promotional posts. No one will pay attention to a barrage of sales. Incorporate interesting articles, community-building exercises, quotes, etc.

10. Spam. People have a tendency to spot scams, spam, and junk a mile away. It’s in the writing and approach. Never spam. Even if your business is legit, you will look like a slimeball. We’ve all been pestered by scam artists one way or another, your business is better than that, right?

Your company needs social media, but your social media needs you to stay away from these deadly acts. What’s the panacea to this poison? Experienced, professional, and creative marketers who know their way around the internet.

Contact us today to get a jump start on social media marketing!

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Why Social Media Marketing’s Adaptability Makes It Last


Every now and again someone will say “social media is a fad” and we have to smile. Sure, the statement is understandable, albeit unfounded. Yes, there is a certain sense of “fad” like quality to the internet as a whole because it hasn’t been around as long as the newspaper. But social media marketing has something that the newspaper, radio, television, and all the other mediums lack: adaptability.

Adaptability is why businesses need to pay attention to social media. It’s also how they should be marketing. Thankfully, social media isn’t exclusive to one site. We don’t log onto socialmedia.com to post our latest updates. This is a VERY good thing. Instead of a monopolized website, we have independent platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, Reddit, and more.

While the ever-popular Facebook has been around for over 10 years and is still unyielding, social media marketers know better than to think it’s eternal. That’s why we learn how to perform online marketing as a whole, learn to be versatile, and use the current internet climate as an advantage.

Take Instagram and Snapchat for example. For a while, these two were not taken very seriously. Now, there are millions of users enjoying these platforms. They have become real powerhouses and significant game-changers. With them came the importance of video. Now, marketers understand that trends are leaning towards a high-volume of imagery, both still and moving.

It’s this level of perception that makes social media marketing able to handle the shifting winds of consumer ideas.

At The Go! Agency, we’re able to study and adapt to the trends, movements, and significant changes. Let us help your business have the same adaptability!

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The Best Lead Generation Strategies For Social Media


Finding leads and referrals have always been both a goal and obstacle for business owners. For some, it’s the only way they can generate revenue for their company. Social media has become not only a new solution for marketing purposes, but it serves as a way to discover potential clients, customers, residents, or whoever keeps your business alive.

There are several ways to achieve successful lead generation through social media. The following steps will help your business’s clientele skyrocket!

– Advertising. People utilize companies that are well known and have proven themselves. By adding a bit of social media advertising to your marketing budget, you be able to increase your profile’s visibility exponentially.

– Reaching out. Businesses approaching potential customers is not unheard of, but you need to do it with some subtlety. Programs like Crowdfire can help you follow a mass of people on Twitter, which is the starting point of new connections. Inviting those who liked your posts but not your page to do so is a super simple way to increase numbers. By sharing others’ content on Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, you exhibit an appreciation for their posts.

– Groups. LinkedIn and Facebook both have an impressive number of groups that allow you to connect with fellow professionals as well as those looking for your service. Be sure to get yourself out there and connect!

– Offers. The internet is the perfect place to promote freebies. Offer a free e-course, e-book, or trial. Give potential clients a free sample of the goodness of you have to offer.

Your ideal customers are already online waiting to be impressed by your marketing techniques. Get to it! These four strategies will help your marketing efforts and potentially increase leads and referrals.

Our clients notice an increase in referrals and leads through our customized marketing plans, content, and sharing! Contact us today to gain and advantage on social media.

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How Online Marketers Can Hit The Bullseye


It’s easy to miss the mark with social media marketing. Every now and again, your analytics may show low points in which your content just didn’t attract a crowd. Every marketer can appreciate the frustration when their efforts are fruitless. Online marketing, especially social media marketing, gives us a significant advantage to help us hit the mark.

Every week, gather up your social media marketing team to study your analytics. Whether you use Hootsuite, Buffer, or just analyze the native numbers on the platform of choice, you need to review your data.

 Your company’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other accounts should have a decent amount of posts to study. Which ones rocked and which flopped? Did a particular hashtag gather in the readers? Did a picture or video get people talking? What advertising efforts really struck a cord? All of these questions need to be answered. Since most successful social media marketers write for the upcoming week, you have the opportunity to change your formula ahead of time to make things work.

Every month, look at the past several weeks and study your marketing efforts at a macro level. How have your numbers risen or fallen? This data should help you set up goals for the next month, and reveal areas you need to improve. It’s important to work on things when you notice them, don’t push them off. Additionally, look at the present trending topics and what is coming up, so you can take advantage of contemporary topics.

Does your team know how to study analytics and data metrics? We do! We can help your business hit the spot on social media.

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The 20 Most Important Social Media Marketing Terms


Like every industry, social media has exclusive terms. Unlike every industry, however, those not in involved should know them as well. That’s one of the things that makes social media different – it’s for everyone. For you to promote your business the right way on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or other platforms, you should know the following terms. Get ready to spice up your vocabulary!

Avatar – Also known as a profile picture, avatars are the main images that represent you. Make sure it’s a good one and consistent from profile to profile.

Bio – A short, but detailed description about yourself or your company. No social media profile is complete without one!

Blog – Short for “web log”, a blog is where a company posts longer articles centered around their industry (like this). These are vital to any business’s website to look professional and knowledgeable about the field they work in.

Clickbait – A slang term for an eye-catching, but possibly misleading title. For example, “You won’t believe how this man lost 50 pounds!”

Direct Message – A private message to or from a Twitter profile. The Twitter equivalent of an email. Every platform has their version of direct messaging. Facebook’s is simply called Messages and has its own smartphone app.

Engagement – This is the ultimate goal of social media. Engagement is people interacting with your brand and its content. Comments, shares, likes, etc.

Facebook Live – Facebook’s live video streaming service. It’s already integrated into the website and app.

GIF – A looping animated picture that is typically soundless. You will find these on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr the most.

Handle – @TheGoAgency is our company’s handle. It’s our username, but also how you can tag someone in a post on several platforms. A handle isn’t complete without the “@.”

Impression – A unit of measurement for social media advertising that analyses an ads’ reflectivity.

LinkedIn Groups – Groups are communities on LinkedIn where like-minded professionals can connect and share their work.

Meme – A popular running joke on the internet using familiar visuals. You will often see these with captions that incorporate the pre-existing joke into someone’s own message.

Native content – Original content that you upload directly to the platform.

Periscope – Twitter’s live video broadcasting app.

Pins – Pinterest’s signature feature. It’s their version of updates. However, you can also “pin” content to relevant boards.

Retweets – Twitter’s sharing feature. You can share someone else’s post onto your Twitter feed.

Stories – Snapchat and Instagram both have this feature, which allows you to view the recent posts from your friends or followers.

Tag – A way to incorporate someone into a post. You can do this on a majority of platforms.

User-generated content – Content that your followers, fans, and friends can share that involves your brand. Whether the content is reviews, posts, check-ins, etc., it’s still all about your brand!

Viral – Viral, or “going viral” is a term which means a piece of content reached extremely high engagement.

As you can see, social media is a very different world. That’s why a dedicated social media marketing team is so valuable. We know the ins and outs of this industry and can make your business shine.

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The 20 Questions Your Social Media Marketers Should Be Asking


Did you ever play the game 20 Questions? The goal is to figure out what the person you’re playing against is thinking of. The following 20 questions will help social media marketers learn what their brand’s marketing strategy is. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the other platforms require a well-developed approach, and by asking yourself the following questions, you will be able to go in with an advantage.

1. Who are my ideal customers?

2. What am I trying to promote?

3. What is the tone of my brand?

3. What are my competitors doing online?

4.  How does my company fare against my competitor’s online activity?

5. What problems do my ideal customers have?

6. How does my company help solve those problems?

7. Where are my customers geographically?

8.  What content do my customers like to see?

9. Which social media platforms work for me?

10. How can I incorporate compelling content into my brand’s message?

11. What are the most important keywords in my industry? (For instance, mine would be “social media”, “online marketing”, etc.)

12.  When should I post content?

13.  What products or services are my “bread and butter”?

14. What original content can I use? Do I have blogs, web pages, original images, etc.?

15. Who industry’s top online influencers and how can I incorporate their content?

16. What scheduling software is right for me?

17. What visuals should I incorporate into my content? (You better not say “none!”)

18. How often should I be posting every day?

19. How much time can I invest into social media?

20.  What are my ultimate goals for social media?

Do you have all the answers? If not, you better get to work!

Every day, we work with companies and incorporate their individualized situations into their strategies. We can help you answer these questions and get started one the most effective avenue of marketing today!

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Why Social Media Marketing Is A Two-Way Street


What is the goal of social media marketing? The same as any marketing – brand promotion and awareness- right? On the macro level of things, sure. But when you take a closer look, it’s more about communication. Sales, ROI, and all that jazz comes a bit later. Social media has become the front line between brand and customer. As such, there needs to be engagement. That’s the golden ticket. Don’t forget that communication is a two-way street.

Conversation. That’s the big differentiation between a website and a social media account. You can ask your brand a question, and a good company will answer quickly. This is why marketers can’t expect engagement to be drummed up solely from their followers. The social media should be point A in the conversation. Their comments are point B, and your reply to their comments is point C. Always strive for point C! Do not be a silent brand, or post robotically with no human connection. If someone asks your company a question, you need to respond.

Technology has made it so there’s no excuse anymore. We’re in a VERY convenient world. You need to answer your customers and converse with them. The whole point of having a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram page is to become more approachable. Do not hide behind the screen, get into the nitty gritty of the people!

Does social media have you stumped? Consider The Go! Agency your online representative! We help many clients connect to their ideal customer base in unique and professional ways! Contact us today!

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5 Ways To Write A Stellar Social Media Update


Ever since the early days of the newspaper, people have studied the power of the headline. Writers carefully selected each word so their paper would pull in readers. Social media marketing has evolved this concept. Thankfully, we don’t need people shouting “Extra!” on street corners. Instead, we have to make sure our updates are noticeable on the web.

Internet communications changed the way we write and promote our brands. What strategies work the best for social media users? The following five types of updates are sure to pull in readers!

1. Lists. Whether your post is “Top 10 Restaurants in Nashville” or “The 5 Most Important Documents For Estate Planning”, people love lists. They are easy to read and get right to the point.

2. Definitions and industry terms. Does your industry have specific terminology? Teach them to the audience! For example, “The Legal Terms You Need To Know!” is an excellent way to spread a wealth of knowledge.

3. Casual tone. Today’s consumer likes a casual and conversational tone for marketing. “Check out these…”, “Come see our…” further strengthen your brand’s approachable feel.

4. Questions. “Could These Foods Help With Alzheimer’s?” Crafting a social media post in the form of a question is always a good way for readers to click and search for the answer.

5. Powerful vocabulary. Finally, no matter what way you craft your message, your words need to pack a punch. Don’t waste room on weak words. Instill a sense of urgency and importance.

Does your marketing team have writer’s block? Contact us! Our copywriting department will be able to craft your brand’s message into a professional and effective piece of marketing.

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