Author : Christopher Tompkins

5 Reasons Why You Need to Be Blogging


Ok, I admit it.  I really enjoy blogs and blogging.  I love diving into the information, perspective and then sharing what I have learned and enjoyed with my friends.  Hey…I am writing this to you on our blog after all! Although I am passionate about blogging, many marketers out there are still not clear as […]

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Healthcare Social Media: 20 of the Best Healthcare Marketing Websites


The healthcare industry is one that The Go! Agency works with extensively.  All areas of this field – from recruiting, hospital groups, medical facilities and clinics, to individual physicians and practitioners – are waking up to the power of social media marketing. With the Age Wave and Baby Boomers demanding better, cutting edge, state of […]

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Off-Site Social Media Marketing: 10 Ways to Market Your Profiles Outside of Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter


While going through numerous articles on social media strategies it dawned on me that there was a glaring omission: tactics on how to promote your social media profiles OUTSIDE of Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. While it may sound odd, cross marketing is an essential part of a successful social media marketing strategy (as well as […]

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Bulletproof Marketer