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A Crash Course In Social Media Copywriting


Ever since the early days of the newspaper, people have studied the power of the headline. Writers carefully selected each word so their paper would pull in readers. Social media marketing has evolved this concept. Thankfully, we don’t need people shouting “Extra!” on street corners. Instead, we have to make sure our updates are noticeable on the web.

Now, there’s one BIG difference between normal copywriting and social media copywriting. With social media, you write a lot. And by a lot, I mean our copywriters have to crank out tens of thousands of words a week for our clients. And guess what? They STILL have to be creative and original. Quantity AND quality are absolutely essential. With that in mind, you might ask which strategies work the best for social media users? The following categories are proven ways to raise engagement:

1. Lists. Whether your post is “Top 10 Restaurants in Nashville” or “The 5 Most Important Documents For Estate Planning,” people love lists. They are easy to read and get right to the point.

2. Definitions and industry terms. Does your industry have specific terminology?Share them with your audience! For example, “The Legal Terms You Need To Know!” is an excellent way to spread a wealth of knowledge for attorneys.

3. Casual tone. Today’s consumer likes a casual and conversational tone for marketing. “Check out these…”, “Come see our…” further strengthen your brand’s approachable feel.

4. Questions. “Could These Foods Help With Alzheimer’s?” Crafting a social media post in the form of a question is always a good way for readers to click and search for the answer.

5. Powerful vocabulary. Finally, no matter what way you craft your message, your words need to pack a punch. Don’t waste room on weak words. Instill a sense of urgency and importance.

Does your marketing team have writer’s block? Contact us! Our copywriting department will be able to craft your brand’s message into a professional and effective piece of marketing.

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The 3 Common Social Media Rookie Mistakes

The 3 common social media rookie mistakes

Every industry or profession has rookie mistakes to avoid. Social media marketing is no different. Even though our version of marketing hasn’t been around for a very long time, seasoned pros have learned from their mistakes and tweaked their approach. If you’re just starting to represent your brand on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Pinterest, you might find yourself making the following mistakes:

1. Inconsistent posting. When you first sign up, you might be all gung-ho about social media. And then, it hits you. You start to realize that this stuff takes a lot of time and effort. And guess what? There’s no break. Each of your social media accounts needs a consistent stream of both original and curated content so you’re always in the forefront of your customer’s eye. If you post something every other day, it will turn to every other week, then every other month, and so on. After a while, you’ll forget all about social media and your brand will suffer for it. Daily posts are necessary. Of course, this is where scheduling tools like Hootsuite and Buffer are life savers. You should have a week’s worth of content on deck and ready to send out to your content-hungry masses.

2. Failing to use imagery. So you’ve spent all that time crafting compelling copy, and no one is paying attention to it. What’s the problem? Without some form of visual aid, a social media post will only get so far. Be sure to incorportate a variety of videos and pictures into your brand’s strategy. What kind of images are you drawn to? Most people’s eyes flock to bright colors, action shots, simplistic fonts, and clear-cut focal points.

3. Ignoring the data. There is a lot of data when it comes to social media marketing, and it might be a tad overwhelming. Trust me, all this info can be both a blessing and a curse. But whether you’re trying to understand current trends or analyze your engagement rates, data is available to help. Every piece of the social media puzzle is worth your time. Many marketers that are new to social media will keep on doing the same thing over and over again, regardless of their failure to compel an audience. Instead of adapting, they’ll blame the social media marketing system. But they have the solution in the form of analytics. Data allows you to alter your approach in an educated way. Is something not working the way it should? Change it!

Social media marketing takes time, creativity, and analysis. Let’s face it, folks – it isn’t easy. However, it can be a whole lot easier if you avoid these three rookie mistakes! Having patience with yourself is also important. Every social media pro had to try and fail and try again to get the hang of this industry and they continue to tweak their strategy every day.

You’re not alone! From our many books to ecourse, our resources are available to you! Contact us today to jump on board!

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The 10 Traits The Best Social Media Marketing Campaigns Have

The 10 Traits The Best Social Media marketing campaigns have

Do you want to have more engagement online? Do you want your follower count to double or triple? So does everyone else. The truth is, some marketers are able to tackle the world of social media a little better than others. Why is this? They’ve taken the time to perfect their strategy. The good news? So can you. Here are the top traits that the best social media marketing campaigns have:

1. Focus. Your content should be specifically relevant to your industry and type of work. This doesn’t mean every post should be about your business. Instead, post articles and interesting posts that your followers will enjoy.

2. Passion. How are people supposed to be interested in your company if you’re bored with it? Trust me, your lackluster effort will show in your content. Get pumped up! You should be proud and passionate about your brand.

3. Professionalism. Social media is about casual communication, but that doesn’t mean you’re not a professional. Keep it classy, fellow marketers.

4.Authenticity. People can spot a scam a mile away. The internet is already full of cheesy marketing tactics and empty promises. Make sure you stay honest and true to your brand.

5. Consistency. You never want an excessive amount of time to go by without sending out a post. A day is understandable. Two, you’re going to start to suffer. A week, and you will need to wipe away the digital dust. Keep your publishing schedule consistent and reliable.

6. Communication. When a customer, client, follower, or fan contacts your company, you have to abide by three things. Friendliness, timely responses, and a satisfactory answer to their inquiry. Make sure you stick to the basics of customer service and communicate with a cyber smile.

7. Positivity. There’s enough bad news in the world, in particular on the internet. Make someone’s day by spreading some joy through a post. Whether it’s a quote, tasty recipe, or a fun image, your social media content should have a fun factor.

8. Integrity. Don’t take advantage of bad news for marketing gains. Don’t post inappropriate or controversial content. Don’t curse. Don’t fight with dissatisfied customers. Once again, keep it classy.

9. Entertainment. One of the defining factors of social media is that people use these platforms for FUN. Make sure people actually enjoy seeing your tweets, posts, and pins by studying what is trending and most engaging.

10. Patience. This trait combines a bit of everything. You need to be consistent, have a focus, stay positive, and use your exceptional communication skills. All the while, it may take time, but don’t let the quality dwindle. Don’t forget that social media takes time. Do not give up!

There are plenty of businesses who have all ten of these traits. There are also MANY who have none of them. Make sure you keep these in mind when you pursue your marketing ventures. If you do this, online credibility and brand awareness will be yours!

Contact us today to learn more about the best strategies for social media for your business and how you can implement them!

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Online Marketing: Social Media AND Websites Working Together

online marketing

Online marketing is a broad term that encompasses both social media and a company’s website. Because of this, these two need to work symbiotically. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and the other platforms need help from your website, and vice versa.

There is a bit of quid pro quo in online marketing. Some social media content should send the reader back to the website so they can read informative web pages, fill out forms, etc. On the other side, a website needs to be designed with those social media icons proudly being promoted in a prominent space. There are so many websites out there that tuck away the links to its company’s social media page and even if you wanted to find their accounts, you wouldn’t be able to! It is very important to have those buttons right where viewers can see them.

Your website will generally stay the same. It tends to be a steadfast, unwavering piece of marketing as opposed to social media which is constantly updated with news, sales, articles, etc. You can see why both these elements are very important to a successful online presence.

When promoting separate pages on social media, do not always link back to your home page. Share the wealth of attention to other pages that can provide the customer further insights into what makes your company tick. One of these important pages is your blog.

A blog can be one of the most important parts of your website. It is the one section that is typically regularly updated, albeit not as quickly as your social media. By promoting your blog on your social media pages, you will bring attention to your website, which is a valuable resource to your company. What’s that? You don’t have a blog? You need to start one up ASAP!

A business’ website and social media pages are both integral elements of online activity and as such, a good marketer knows how to take advantage of both.

Contact us today to learn about our social media AND web services!

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How Should A Business Use Hashtags?


An essential element of social media marketing is to spread your content as far as possible. To achieve this goal, we have hashtags as a handy tool. We’re firm believers of hashtags, as we’ve seen them significantly improve a content’s reach. That being said, these little guys need to be used in the right away. Hashtags are easy to learn but can take some finesse to master. Here are the best ways to make the famous internet tool work for you!

Know your platform’s limits. Do you think all the social media platforms are the same? Think again. The way each site uses hashtags is completely different. You should not use more than three for Facebook. There isn’t a limit on Twitter, but you still have that 140 character limit hanging over your head. LinkedIn and Pinterest don’t use hashtags at all, rather utilize keywords. Instagram, on the other hand, is the king of hashtags. Be professional, but 10-15 hashtags max is recommended.

Do your research. A hashtag will only do its job if someone is actually looking for it. You need to figure out what is trending. Luckily, you have tools. Facebook and Twitter both have trending sections that allow you to see what all the buzz is about at the time.

Don’t be too specific. #FacebookSocialMediaMarketing may not get as many hits as #Facebook, #SocialMedia, #SocialMediaMarketing and #Marketing. Getting is just right is key for hashtags.

Don’t be too broad. On the opposite side of things, you want to make sure your hashtag isn’t going to drown in a sea of the same. #California may work, but if you are trying to get San Diego residents to pay attention, #SanDiego will work better. Otherwise, people who are looking for things pertaining to San Francisco may also see your post and it will be a waste.

You need a little bit of imagination, research, and common sense to master hashtags. The symbol that used to be called the pound symbol is now your best friend in the social media world, but you need to know how to use them!

Contact us today to jump on board with social media marketing!
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Does Your Business Use Evergreen Content On Social Media?


Why do we like the news? Because we have a need to stay informed about what’s happening in the world. Why do we like books? Because we like timeless information and narration. This alone shows that you need content that is both time-sensitive and “evergreen” for your social media marketing. Does your company’s page have that balance?

Content that will never expire, or evergreen content, is crucial for high engagement rates and legitimacy to your brand. We’re not just talking about stone-cold facts from textbooks (although those would definitely count as evergreen content). This type of content simply needs to stand the test of time. A mission statement, code of ethics, tried and true details about your industry, promotional materials, etc.

Companies also need news and time-sensitive material so your brand comes off as informed, involved, and influenced by the events that are happening TODAY. Of course, you don’t need your company to be a mirror image of a news channel. You can also add timely things like holidays, trends, and pop culture.

Now, why would a business’ social media page need both? Because that’s how the internet works. It’s a constant flow of fleeting and forever content. We see it every day without even realizing it. Trending items deliver a powerful boost to your social media marketing, while evergreen content is your core. Without one or the other, your content strategy will be incomplete.

At The Go! Agency, we take extra efforts to strike just the right balance of these two categories of content. Our clients deserve to have every reward social media has to offer, and it’s the marketer’s duty to accomplish that.

Contact us today to find that perfect balance in your content!

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5 Ways You’re Failing To Communicate With Customers On Social Media


Does it seem like you’re speaking a different language than your customers? You actually might be! Now, I’m not saying you accidentally wrote your Facebook updates in Japanese, but perhaps you’re not speaking the way your customers like or understand.
Social media, in a nutshell, is about two things – communication and community. Yes, I know, sales may be your top priority, but social media takes a different route. As such, you’re going to need to know your customers and how they talk, or rather, how they expect you to talk. Here is why your writing may be your social media downfall:

1. Tone. Social media is the same as any other form of marketing in the respect that your company needs consistency. The language you use should be of the same tone as everything you do. Are you a business that gives off fun vibes, like a beverage or fashion line? Then keep it fun! Are you a divorce lawyer? Then maybe you should stick to a more professional feel. Either way, the right tone is essential to powerful and unique messages.

2. Technicalities. Some industries require customers to understand the nitty-gritty mechanics of the product. Others are better off simply explaining the benefits of the product. After all, a cleaning supply company probably won’t disclose all the science behind their products. On the other hand, a computer company may explain the type of processor or monitor screen resolution.

3. Content. Social media marketers need to study what kind of content their audience responds to the most. Whether it’s promotional posts, news articles, or even memes, it’s up to YOU to make sure there is engagement!

4. Timing. Each platform has a different “prime time” for posting. Some scheduling times are more effective than others. However, your audience is also an important factor. Your demographic should shape when your content is sent out. Some people check the internet on Tuesdays at 10:00am, others at Friday at 9:00pm. Study your followers!

5. Living in a bubble. Ignoring trends, holidays, current events, and the like is a bad path to take. You do not want to isolate your brand and role out the same content over and over. Your customers want a brand that can relate.

Who is your ideal customer? The answer to that defining question should determine how you talk, what you talk about, and when you say it. It’s imperative that you pinpoint your ideal demographic and the people you want to sell to. Otherwise, you might as well be speaking a different language!

Are you ready to reach out to your customers like never before? Contact us today to create an effective marketing strategy!


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8 Ways To Fail On Instagram


Instagram truly has the “underdog” story. At first, it was just a lowly little app predominantly used by kids. Now, it’s one of the most popular social media platforms around and used by businesses, professionals, bloggers, and more. The fact that it was acquired by Facebook may or may not have helped, but from a marketing point of view, it’s fantastic.Marketers need to learn how to use this site as well as Facebook and Twitter due to its high volume of daily visitors. That being said, Instagram isn’t just a clone of pre-existing platforms. It has a unique infrastructure and culture. There are certain rules you need to follow and big mistakes to avoid. Because of the amount of people online, mistakes are noticed easily. Here are the top seven errors to steer clear of on Instagram:

Posts without captions. Sure, Instagram is all about the images. Regardless, you need the space they give you to write a compelling message. Be sure to write a specialized caption for each post you write, as you would for Facebook.

Hashtag abuse. Speaking of captions, hashtags are extremely helpful for Instagram users that are looking for specific content. On this platform, you want to use 7-10 per post after the main caption. Any more will make your content look like spam, and less will narrow your reach too much.

Silence.  Don’t forget about the “social” side of social media. Engage with your followers! Customers wouldn’t be on social media if they didn’t want to communicate with their favorite people and brands in a unique way.

Inconsistent branding. Take a step back and look at your Instagram account. Does it look and feel like your brand’s other marketing? If not, fix it stat! Make your current logo the profile image, fill out your bio, and make sure your tone is consistent with your other marketing material.

Promo only content.
You aren’t one of those spam accounts, are you? If not, then be sure to add compelling content that pulls in your audience. Don’t worry about sales as much, but rather building an online community. Then, sales will come.

Ugly images. Instagrammers like bright, eye-catching visuals. This is especially important for brands who are trying to market. You have to generate creative and appealing imagery and, perhaps most importantly, make sure it looks good on a smartphone! Don’t forget these pics will be viewed primarily on Instagram’s app.

A private account. Is your account optimized? Is your content eye-catching and engaging? Are you using hashtags? Then why isn’t this Instagram thing working? It may be as simple as your account is set to “private”. This mistake needs to be fixed immediately. It’s the social media equivalent of having the lens cap on a camera after a photo shoot. Your work will be all for nothing if not everyone can see what you’re sharing.

Ignoring Live And Stories. Recently, Instagram has released two new ways to connect and share content. Instagram Live is their live video broadcasting service and Instagram Stories is a new feature that allows you to publish posts that are available only for 24 hours on your “Stories” page as opposed to your main Instagram feed. Both of these are great ways to connect and should be used ASAP!

Instagram is a fun and effective tool to raise brand awareness online. At this time, there are more young users on this platform than Facebook. Be sure to tap into this market as soon as possible!

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5 Ways To Save A Dying Social Media Page


It’s kind of ironic- transparency is one of the best parts about social media, and the most frustrating. When things aren’t working the way they should, the lack of engagement shows up like a red flag. While social media has proven to be the most effective avenue for online brand awareness, there are times when the online public doesn’t seem to accept you. Still, there’s always hope.

With nearly 2 billion people actively logging onto Facebook alone, it’s never too late to try new tactics and push forward. Even the most successful social media campaigns have to tweak their approach from time to time.

Try the following great ways to shock the life back into your company’s social media efforts.

1. Add new visuals with new colors. Sure, you want to stay consistent with your company’s branding, but the right graphic designer knows how to turn the pre-existing material into something new and exciting. Find a way to create new pictures, videos, live broadcasts, GIFs and more.

2.  Try a different type of post. Perhaps you’ve become too sales-driven and need to add some fun? Or maybe you need to add some blogging? Or quotes? Or recipes? Either way, diversity is a great way to turn heads.

3. Invite your audience to participate! It is social media after all. You want people to start talking! You can do this in the form of polls, quizzes, and other various calls to action.

4. Utilize your industry’s community. Share material such as news, quotes, and trending topics that will grab your readers’ and potential customers’ attention.

5. Advertise! A little bit of advertising will go a long way. A lot of advertising can propel your brand to new heights. Social media marketing isn’t as free as you might originally think, but you will quickly see results in a big way with this method.

Did you know that The Go! Agency expertly manages hundreds of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+ accounts on a daily basis? Our staff is certified and trained in the most effective marketing techniques and researches what online audiences respond to the most. On a daily basis, we fine-tune our strategy so every client reaches its full potential. Isn’t it time you stand out on the internet?

Contact us today to see how The Go! Agency’s team can make Facebook work for you!

Liked this post? Get even more social media marketing content at The Go! Agency’s blog: http://ow.ly/efkt3087xkj

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5 Ways Companies Are Using Live Video Right Now

Ok, it’s a new year, and that means new strategies need to be integrated into your marketing plan. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms now feature live video broadcasting capabilities. The social media gods have spoken, and it’s pretty obvious that live video is destined to become an essential cog in the online marketing machine. We’ve already seen huge brands utilize this service and have reported back with big smiles on their faces. It really is effective, and people are flocking to these fun, innovative avenues of communication. So, as you might imagine, it’s time to act for your own business.
To promote their services, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter give prime real estate on their timelines and news feeds to live video broadcasts. Users even get notified when someone goes live. Sounds good, right? Well, first you need to learn what exactly you should do when the cameras start rolling. You can’t just smile and wave to the camera. Well, you could, but your followers will “change the channel” in a heartbeat.
These are the top ways companies have already been using social media live video:
Entertainment. Many people use social media for fun posts. You’ve already incorporated this strategy into your traditional posts (or at least you should’ve), and your live video is no different. Make sure those who star in your videos are fun, personable, and can hold an audience’s attention.
Behind the scenes. If every single company created a behind the scenes video stream, every single broadcast would be different. Show the human side of your business by demonstrating how your team makes everything happen!
Exclusive Unveilings. Many companies use live videos as a way to reveal new products. These new tools are excellent avenues to positive publicity, as well as ways to let your Facebook or Twitter followers feel like they’ve “seen it first.”
A new level of engagement. Sure, customers will get a response through a direct message on social media, but being able to ask the people that are live streaming a question is almost like a face-to-face conversation. Imagine that!
Exclusive deals. Some companies have used this new tool as a special way to reward their loyal customers. They can provide a code for special discounts, or even freebies. It’s just a new way to pull in your community and thank them for their support.

Live video has just begun. More and more companies are being drawn to its potential. Social media is evolving, as it always has. Marketers need to do just that!

Do you have questions about live video? Contact us today to see how you can become an internet movie star!

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