Tag : social media

Why Social Media Marketing Is A Two-Way Street


What is the goal of social media marketing? The same as any marketing – brand promotion and awareness- right? On the macro level of things, sure. But when you take a closer look, it’s more about communication. Sales, ROI, and all that jazz comes a bit later. Social media has become the front line between brand and customer. As such, there needs to be engagement. That’s the golden ticket. Don’t forget that communication is a two-way street.

Conversation. That’s the big differentiation between a website and a social media account. You can ask your brand a question, and a good company will answer quickly. This is why marketers can’t expect engagement to be drummed up solely from their followers. The social media should be point A in the conversation. Their comments are point B, and your reply to their comments is point C. Always strive for point C! Do not be a silent brand, or post robotically with no human connection. If someone asks your company a question, you need to respond.

Technology has made it so there’s no excuse anymore. We’re in a VERY convenient world. You need to answer your customers and converse with them. The whole point of having a Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram page is to become more approachable. Do not hide behind the screen, get into the nitty gritty of the people!

Does social media have you stumped? Consider The Go! Agency your online representative! We help many clients connect to their ideal customer base in unique and professional ways! Contact us today!

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What’s The Big Deal About Social Media Engagement?


Ah, engagement. The big “E” word. The thing all social media marketers strive for. But, why? And what does it even mean? It’s time to set the record straight.

Engagement is the interactions users have with your social media posts and accounts. It’s conversations, reactions, shares, and ultimately, close connections. In its definition alone, you should understand why marketers strive for it. Is your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest post’s engagement high? That means your content is compelling and conjures real interaction. If it’s low, that means it’s falling into the neglected void. No likes, no shares, nothing. In the end, a failure.

This is where we see the big differentiation between quality over quantity. You could have tens of thousands of followers and very little engagement. While it’s nice to have that number high, it’s pointless if people aren’t digesting your content. And THAT is what matters in social media, and is also what makes it so unique. Television commercials, magazine ads, billboards, and radio ads don’t have the luxury of this level of engagement. Instead, marketers can study ROI and profit numbers long after the fact. With social media, real-time analytics are immediately available. We can examine just how many people clicked, liked, and shared a particular post.

The whole point of social media is to get people involved with your brand. Lately, algorithms had further solidified this concept. If you begin to interact with a person or page more than others, your news feed will start to present more of that content. That’s the ultimate goal, a prime spot on viewer’s feeds. This is why YouTubers beg us all to subscribe, comment, and share. It’s all about activity, not broadcasting.

So, the big “E” has some value to it after all. Without it, you might as well call up your local news station and ask for their rates. Social media is where the people are, and we need to keep in mind the standard of this age of marketing, which is a close interaction between brand and customer.

Stuck on how to increase your engagement? Fear not! Our team of marketers study analytics on a daily basis and tweak our approaches so we can deliver the best numbers possible to our clients!

Contact us today to begin to connect with your online customers!

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The Top Mistakes That Kill LinkedIn Accounts


Social media marketing isn’t simple. Wait, let me rephrase that. GOOD social media marketing isn’t simple. It’s easy to click “Sign Up” and send a tidal wave of garbage out to the cyber masses. But to be truly effective, you need to think and realize where exactly you’re posting. The phrase “When in Rome do as the Romans do” applies in a big way online. LinkedIn is perhaps the platform with the most etiquette to abide by. Are you acting appropriately on the social media site for professionals? If you’re doing one of the following, you definitely aren’t.

1. Thinking LinkedIn is Facebook. Sure, we all love memes, cat videos, and long-winded rants about personal opinions. But LinkedIn isn’t the place for that. Keep all the “personal-type content” on Facebook and Instagram.

2. Inappropriate or absent profile picture. Do yourself a favor and remember this mantra – “Selfies are not for LinkedIn!” I can’t tell you how many people use blurry, revealing, or simply unprofessional profile photos. You don’t need to hire a photographer to make a decent headshot. A little bit of effort will go a long way. And, with EVERY social media account, personal or professional, stay away from pics of you drinking, or in any situation, you wouldn’t want a superior to see.

3. More spamming than social. Sure, you can – and should – network on LinkedIn. But this isn’t a place for heavy promotions. Craft your writing to be organic and personable. Don’t use the default connection requests or congratulatory messages. Show you care!

4. Picking a fight. Speak the truth, but if you have a gripe with someone, perhaps not the whole truth. Negative comments are the bane of social media marketers’ existence, but in reality, it makes the writer look like a bit of a bully.

5. Hashtags. Now, hashtags are a BIG gray area for LinkedIn. At the time of this article’s posting, the long-banished hashtags have begun their return to the platform. However, they are only in the app. Soon enough, the Microsoft-owned social media platform will most definitely welcome hashtag functionality back to the desktop version. Then, go hashtag crazy. Until then, be wary of this tool.

LinkedIn is the world’s largest internet networking event. It’s not another Facebook or Twitter or Instagram, and it shouldn’t be treated like that. LinkedIn has become a huge opportunity for marketers and business owners to connect to right people. Be sure to do it right!

Ready to market yourself online? Contact us today, and we can work together to rock LinkedIn!

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5 Ways To Write A Stellar Social Media Update


Ever since the early days of the newspaper, people have studied the power of the headline. Writers carefully selected each word so their paper would pull in readers. Social media marketing has evolved this concept. Thankfully, we don’t need people shouting “Extra!” on street corners. Instead, we have to make sure our updates are noticeable on the web.

Internet communications changed the way we write and promote our brands. What strategies work the best for social media users? The following five types of updates are sure to pull in readers!

1. Lists. Whether your post is “Top 10 Restaurants in Nashville” or “The 5 Most Important Documents For Estate Planning”, people love lists. They are easy to read and get right to the point.

2. Definitions and industry terms. Does your industry have specific terminology? Teach them to the audience! For example, “The Legal Terms You Need To Know!” is an excellent way to spread a wealth of knowledge.

3. Casual tone. Today’s consumer likes a casual and conversational tone for marketing. “Check out these…”, “Come see our…” further strengthen your brand’s approachable feel.

4. Questions. “Could These Foods Help With Alzheimer’s?” Crafting a social media post in the form of a question is always a good way for readers to click and search for the answer.

5. Powerful vocabulary. Finally, no matter what way you craft your message, your words need to pack a punch. Don’t waste room on weak words. Instill a sense of urgency and importance.

Does your marketing team have writer’s block? Contact us! Our copywriting department will be able to craft your brand’s message into a professional and effective piece of marketing.

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How To Make Your Customers Social Media Stars


Let’s face it. You can’t have close and personal connections with every single person that reaches out to your brand on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. However, every now and again, some companies make selected customers genuinely happy by giving them some virtual fame. How exactly can you help customers feel special? Check out the following tips:

1. Retweet and Quote tweeting. For big brands, they can be tagged thousands of times a day, especially after a really successful post. Every now and again find a tweet that you’re mentioned in (try to choose a positive one!) and retweet it.

2. Fan of the month. Some companies will have nominations for fans of the month and showcase particularly faithful fans on their social media profiles. Strictly speaking business, it’s awesome publicity.

3. Testimonials. We all know the power of testimonials. Good reviews are social media gold! Share a customer’s positive experience with the rest of your online followers.4. Replying. One of the first rules of social media is responding to messages. ALWAYS stick to this rule, even if it’s a short reply. Be sure to stick to this rule! Otherwise, your fans will feel ignored.

These methods make those chosen customers to feel special, but your whole social media audience will see you care!

Did you know The Go! Agency is the representative of hundreds of companies online? Let us do the connecting for you! Your customers will be glad you did.

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Is Your Social Media Marketing Speaking A Different Language?


Does it seem like you’re speaking a different language than your customers? You actually might be! I’m not saying you accidentally wrote your Facebook updates in Japanese, but perhaps you’re not speaking the way your customers like or understand.

Social media, in a nutshell, is about two things – communication and community. As such, you’re going to need to know your customers and how they talk, or rather, how they expect you to talk. Here is why your writing may be your social media downfall:

1. Tone. Social media is the same as any other form of marketing in the respect that your company needs consistency. The language you use should be of the same tone as everything you do. Are you a business that gives off fun vibes, like a beverage or fashion line? Then keep it fun! Are you a divorce lawyer? Then maybe you should stick to a more professional feel. Either way, the right tone is essential to powerful and unique messages.

2. Technicalities. Some industries require customers to understand the nitty-gritty mechanics of the product. Others are better off simply explaining the benefits of the product. After all, a cleaning supply company probably won’t disclose all the science behind their products. On the other hand, a computer company may explain the type of processor or monitor screen resolution.

3. Content. Social media marketers need to study what kind of content their audience responds to the most. Whether it’s promotional posts, news articles, or even memes, it’s up to YOU to make sure there is engagement!

4. Timing. Each platform has a different “prime time” for posting. Some scheduling times are more effective than others. However, your audience is also an important factor. Your demographic should shape when your content is sent out. Some people check the internet on Tuesdays at 10:00am, others at Friday at 9:00pm. Study your followers!

Who is your ideal customer? The answer to that defining question should determine how you talk, what you talk about, and when you say it. It’s imperative that you pinpoint your ideal demographic and the people you want to sell to. Otherwise, you might as well be speaking a different language!

Are you ready to reach out to your customers like never before? Contact us today to create an effective marketing strategy!

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Can Your Business Rock Social Media Live Video?


Is your company ready for the video revolution? You better not miss this trend. Video, in all its various forms, has changed most Platforms. The most significant form is live streaming. Even our news streams seem to cater to this engaging content. And yes, your company can create a live video experience for your followers and customers to enjoy! Where do you even begin with all this? Here are the basics.

First of all, we have good news. You don’t have to start from scratch! The two major live video streaming services tap into your pre-existing fanbases. Twitter owns Periscope, and I think you know who owns Facebook Live. All your hard work of creating a following on these two platforms will transfer over to the world of live broadcasting.

To do live video, you will need either Periscope or Facebook. Yes, there are third-party apps, but these two are where the real audiences are. For Periscope, you will have to download a new app and login via your Twitter info. You already have Facebook Live though their main app! Tackling the logistics is easy. Here are the reasons why everyone loves live video and why your company should jump in!

Entertainment. A majority of people use social media for fun posts. You’ve already incorporated this strategy into your traditional posts (or at least you should’ve), and your live video is no different. Make sure those who star in your videos are fun, personable, and can hold an audience’ attention.

Behind the scenes. If every single company created a behind the scenes video stream, every single broadcast would be different. Show the human side of your business by demonstrating how your team makes everything happen!

Exclusive Unveilings. Many companies use live videos as a way to reveal new products. These new tools are excellent avenues to positive publicity, as well as ways to make your Facebook or Twitter followers feel like they are in on a secret.

A new level of engagement. Sure, customers will get a response through a direct message on social media, but being able to ask the people that are live streaming a question is almost like a face-to-face conversation. Imagine that!

Exclusive deals. Some companies have used this new tool as a special way to reward their loyal customers. They can provide a code for special discounts, or even freebies. It’s just a new way to pull in your community.

Live video has just begun. More and more companies are being drawn to its effectivity. Social media is evolving, as it always has. Marketers need to do just that!

Do you have questions about live video? Contact us today to see how you can become an internet movie star!

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How To Save Your Failing Facebook Page


Is your business struggling to make its mark on the web? Social media has proven to be the most effective avenue for online brand awareness, and Facebook is the best platform to find your perfect audience. With nearly 2 billion people actively logging in via desktops and mobile apps, a company can quickly stand in the limelight! But what if your content is putting your audience to sleep?

While over 50 million businesses use Facebook, not all manage their profiles correctly. Are your posts preventing you from reaching out? These methods are surefire ways to raise engagement for any business:

Stay consistent with your brand’s signature style and tone. Stay true to the brand that you have already established.

Add a unique social media touch. Don’t just feed them the literature from your brochure – spice it up!

– Invite your audience to participate! It is social media after all. You want people to start talking!

Utilize your industry’s community. Share material such as news, quotes, and trending topics that will grab your readers’ – and potential customers’- attention.

Did you know that The Go! Agency expertly manages hundreds of Facebook accounts on a daily basis? Our staff is certified and trained in the most effective marketing techniques and researches what online audiences respond to the most. On a daily basis, we fine-tune our strategy so every client reaches its full potential. Isn’t it time you stand out on the internet?

Contact us today to see how The Go! Agency’s team can make Facebook work for you!
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4 Steps To Awesome Facebook Visuals


With all the content that’s online, how are readers supposed to remember your message? The answer lies in images. When visuals accompany Facebook posts, users retain 65% more of that message for the following three days. Striking imagery allows people to learn and remember information longer than mere words. Here are the best ways to use eye-catching, and memorable images in your social media!

Infographics. Images, texts… why not both? With infographics, you can have the best of both worlds, as viewers learn information in an understandable and creative way. The internet has turned infographics into a hugely popular form, so don’t miss out on this method!

Colors. Your Facebook posts need to stand out. The images you use need vibrant, noticeable colors. People are 80% more likely to engage with content that has bright colors!

Bold text. If your images incorporate text in any way, make sure it’s big, bold, and readable. Don’t force readers to decipher your words.

Consistency. Because posts with related imagery are 94% more likely to receive engagement and views, you need to be consistent. It has become a new industry standard to add images to every Facebook post to achieve better performance.

This is your chance to create a strong online presence. Make it count by incorporating photography, graphics, and infographics into your Facebook content! Here at The Go! Agency, our graphic designers and social media managers work hard to create beautiful and exciting visuals that readers remember!

Does your Facebook page look like a bleak landscape? Contact us to bring new life into your social media marketing!

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The 5 Unspoken Rules Of Twitter


Have you ever heard of netiquette? It’s a guideline on how to behave online. Because no mistakes go unnoticed on the internet, businesses need to pay close attention to what they send out.This is particularly the case for Twitter. Words fly fast on this social media platform, and once you press that “Tweet!” button, the “Delete” button will only do so much. Once it’s out, it’s out. Here are some rules that will help you stay out of hot water.

1. Stay away from opinions. You’re a business, not a political commentator. Steer clear of controversial subjects and mentioning hot button issues.

2. Watch what you retweet. Sharing something on your Twitter feed means you’re letting that content speak for you. Make sure you agree with it and it’s relevant to your company. Also, click any links to make sure they are legit.

3. Proofread. Sure, you need to move fast on the internet, but that doesn’t mean you should have sloppy spelling and grammar. Also, ensure your hashtags are correct. Otherwise, they will link to nothing.

4. Don’t hijack hashtags. Have you ever looked up a hashtag only to be greeted by a plethora of irrelevant content? It happens more often than you might think. Don’t be those annoying Twitter accounts. Be sure your content relates to your hashtag!

5. Don’t be headstrong. If your strategy isn’t working after some time, then you might want to go back to the drawing board. Don’t keep hammering your audience with unwanted content. Try to add diversity by adding polls, videos, and unique content.These five rules will help keep any social media manager out of trouble. At The Go! Agency, we follow these rules and many, many more to ensure our clients’ social media accounts are in the limelight and looking right!

Interested in revamping your Twitter marketing? Contact us today!

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