Category : Social Media

From Twitter to X In a Single Year

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When Twitter was founded in 2006, no one would have guessed that Twitter would become a main hub for creators, entrepreneurs, politicians, and celebrities to connect, debate, and grow businesses. We would all come to love that little blue bird because that little icon gave so many voiceless people voices. Throughout its lifespan, Twitter gained […]

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3 Audience-Building Tips for Small Businesses

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One of the first steps for any small business is building a community around its brand. This is easier said than done for most, especially when your expertise isn’t marketing. No worries, I’ve got you covered with three audience-building tips every small business owner should know. Before we dive in, it’s important to know what […]

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The Role of an Influencer Marketing Manager

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Let’s talk about the concept of influencer marketing and how it has been one of the most transformative shifts in the marketing world. Social media is continuing to dominate the digital space and with the growing reliance on online personalities, brands have recognized the immense potential of influencer marketing. With this realization, the position of […]

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How to Future-Proof Your Brand

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Being a small business in a busy digital space can be challenging and intimidating. Your ultimate goal is to find a way for your brand to stand out above the crowd and in order to do this, you need to future-proof your marketing strategies. Future-proofing your brand means taking the necessary steps to keep it […]

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Bulletproof Marketer