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The First Rule of Social Media Marketing…

The First Rule of Social Media Marketing…

Bad news for phone book advertisers and billboard makers – the internet has changed the way we do marketing. At the head of this revolution is social media marketing which has the ability to boost your brand’s online visibility exponentially. Yet like everything else in life, our industry has rules. What is the first rule of social media marketing?

You do not talk about social media marketing…. kidding! Actually, it’s the opposite. Shout it from the rooftops!

While new customers and leads will find out about your brand through these online avenues by searching in a variety of ways, your pre-existing customers will only be able to engage with your business if they know about your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms.

How can you spread the word about your social media accounts?

– Encourage your employees to promote social media when interacting with customers or clients.

– Ensure there are links to your social media accounts on your website.

– Offer exclusive specials and sales in which customer must mention the social media post to get the deal.

– Invest in social media advertising to local areas and ideal demographics.

– If your business entails packaging, proudly showcase the Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram logos.

Social media marketing is effective, but you need to make an effort so your customers visit you online! While you are spreading the word, make sure you are creating a constant stream of content so when customers do visit your page, they aren’t disappointed!

Are you ready for social media marketing? Contact us today to jump on board!

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