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Are You Making These 5 Twitter Mistakes?

Are You Making These 5 Twitter Mistakes?

Twitter was originally intended to send out small clips of people and brand’s everyday news. As a result, words fly fast on this social media platform, and once you press that “Tweet!” button, the “Delete” button will only do so much. Once it’s out, it’s out!

Twitter has the ability to send your business flying high, but you need to make sure you stay on course. Here are some rules that will help you stay out of hot water.

1. Stay away from opinions. You’re a business, not a political commentator. Steer clear of controversial subjects and mentioning hot button issues.

2. Watch what you retweet. Sharing something on your Twitter feed means you’re letting that content speak for you. Make sure you agree with it and it’s relevant to your company. Also, click any links to make sure they are legit.

3. Proofread. Sure, you need to move fast on the internet, but that doesn’t mean you should have sloppy spelling and grammar. Also, ensure your hashtags are correct. Otherwise, they will link to nothing.

4. Don’t hijack hashtags. Have you ever looked up a hashtag only to be greeted by a plethora of irrelevant content? It happens more than you might think. Don’t be those annoying Twitter accounts. Be sure your content relates to your hashtag!

5. Don’t be headstrong. If your strategy isn’t working after some time, then you might want to go back to the drawing board. Don’t keep hammering your audience with unwanted content. Try to add diversity by adding polls, videos, and unique content.

These five rules will help keep any social media manager out of trouble. At The Go! Agency, we follow these rules and many, many more to ensure our clients’ social media accounts are in the limelight and looking right!

Interested in revamping your Twitter marketing? Contact us today!

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