Get S.M.A.R.T. about Social Media Marketing

Get S.M.A.R.T. about Social Media Marketing

We all want to be smart right? Most of us already are in our own way. But are you S.M.A.R.T.? There’s a big difference, especially when it comes to social media marketing. Learn about the anagram businesses are teaching their employees and how it relates to your company’s online marketing. This anagram usually speaks about a company’s goals, but we’re taking it a step further and giving it a social media spin.

Specific- As you begin promoting your brand on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms, you need to have an acute goal and strategy in mind. Don’t be too broad or vague with your message.

Measurable. You’re not going to get very far without data and analytics. Social media marketing requires studying the performance of previously published posts. How far is your reach? How many people are engaging with your brand? How many people liked my page this week? These are the questions you need to ask and can only get the answers by measuring your activity.

Of course, you should shoot for the moon. But let’s learn to fly first. Take your time and give yourself reasonable, obtainable goals. Don’t set yourself up for failure.

Relevant. This is where social media marketers really rock. Whether we cover hot topics, contemporary issues, or trending topics. Without staying relevant in today’s world, we don’t do our job. But relevancy does more than that – we also need to stick to the industry of our clients’ brands. We can’t just start talking about football on a law firm’s Twitter or movie reviews on a major corporation’s Facebook.

Timely. Finally, time is an essential element part of social media marketing. First, you should figure out when you need to post. Secondly, stick to your deadlines. You need to post every day and keep it consistent.

Are you S.M.A.R.T. about social media? Each of these five aspects should be incorporated and perfected. You need a specific message, measurable data, attainable goals, relevant content, and timely publications.

We’re able to help your company obtain all of these SMART goals and more! Contact us today to get social media geniuses to work for you!

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