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Why You Need Video Production in Online Marketing

Why You Need Video Production in Online Marketing

The future of marketing is video! It’s a claim you’ve probably heard before, but what are you doing to get ready for that future? If you’re not working video production into your online marketing strategy, you’re falling behind!

Before we get too far into this, let’s clear out the air of skepticism. 82% of Twitter users are watching video content, 45% of people watch more than an hour of Facebook or YouTube videos a week, and 87% of online marketers use video content. Are we all on the same page? Great.

Now, I’m going to show you exactly why you need to start pumping out video content if you want to stay relevant in digital marketing!

Video Grows Brand Recognition and Trust
Trust is the foundation of all good marketing. If your audience doesn’t trust you, there’s no way they’re going to work with you. Video can place a human face on your brand’s message, which makes you infinitely easier for your audience to relate to and find common ground with.

It’s why popular YouTubers are now celebrities in every meaningful sense of the word, and news outlets are emphasizing video content. Even promotional content, which consumers fear above all else, is 57% more likely to result in a sale when presented as a video!

Video Content Increases Sales
Don’t just think of videos as online ads, though—consider how they can directly make an interested user buy your products or services. Oftentimes, the thing that holds back a potential customer is uncertainty with what they’re getting.

Sharing a product video on your landing page or releasing how-to content that shows viewers exactly what they can get from your business, which makes them more likely to buy from you. For businesses working in the electronics or jewelry industries, these tactics are particularly effective since you’re selling higher-price items!

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Video Can Improve Your SEO Ranking
SEO is a complicated and ever-changing creature, but there are a few constants among the algorithm changes, one of which is that video content consistently boosts rankings. Why? The longer that visitors stay on your page, the higher your SEO ranking, and a video guarantees that they’ll be on your page for at least the length of the video (provided it’s well-made)!

Of course, quality does play a role in how much a video boosts your SEO. But if you have an interesting title and description and link back to your website, you’re in good shape to improve your ranking with video content!

Video Makes Explanations Simpler
Are changes underway at your company, or are you offering a new product/service? Then video offers you a unique way to share information with your audience in a way that’s conversational and easy for them to understand. 98% of users have watched explanation videos to learn about new offerings from a business!

If you’re trying to inform your audience about an issue in your industry, producing a video is your best bet. Complicated ideas can be easily muddled via text, but they’re much easier to understand when presented in natural-sounding conversation. So rather than write a 2,000-word blog about your complicated topic of choice, make a five-minute video that people will actually watch!

Start Recording
There’s really no question about whether or not video is essential for good marketing; the only question is whether or not your business will use this tool. Text and photos have their place in online marketing too, but skipping video simply isn’t an option anymore! You’ve got plenty of information and statistics here, so there’s no excuse not to join the 21st century in marketing!

Would you like to talk about what video can do for your business? Schedule your free consultation with The Go! Agency!

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