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11 Social Media Retargeting Mistakes For Marketers To Avoid

11 Social Media Retargeting Mistakes For Marketers To Avoid

by Forbes Agency Council | Expert Panel 

Even if you’ve struggled to get the results you seek from your social media retargeting campaigns, don’t write off this tactic. The truth is, retargeting on social media can be a highly effective way to regain the interest of users who didn’t convert the first time they visited your website. However, rushing into a remarketing campaign without a solid strategy can lead to careless mistakes.

Here, 11 members of Forbes Agency Council provide a list of the top mistakes they’ve seen marketers commonly make with social media retargeting campaigns so that you can avoid making these same blunders.

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com, on June 14, 2021. Read the rest of the article here.


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