Why Choose Apeco?

Drag & Drop Page Builder

Easily build and save layouts using a drag & drop page builder. Visual Composer Included for free. You save 34$.

Responsive Design

Our Theme based on Bootstrap Grid and Elements used Visual Composer. All of section & Elements are full Responsive.

Ajax Animation

Page can be Ajaxable and You can choose animations. So easy to use and really effective for End User Satisfaction.

Premium Sliders

We have included Revolution Slider and New version 5 is really great and easy to use New UI & Responsive Options Added.

Boxed & Fullwidth

Header and Footer section can be easily change able in Page Meta Setttings section. Check the Page Settings.

Child Theme Included

Our theme has Included Child Theme and All Functions can be overwritten in our child theme so easily.

Theme Options

Our Theme integrated WordPress Customizer and it’s really easy to use and lot’s of options included.

Our Custom Portfolio

You can show your portfolio really easy to changeable. Check our Portfolio pages for more information.

Modern Design

Trending based Design Driven Theme and All sections are fully Customize able. You can check Features Area.

5000+ Icons

FontAwesome & Entypo, LineIcons, Pixel and Open Iconic etc lot’s of Cool Icon Fonts included in our IconBox Elements.

Unlimited Colors

All colors can be changed in our Customizer Options area, elements Icons in Visual Composer Element Options.

Translate Able

Our theme Po Mo file is included and you can translate our theme to any Language. Check our other features.

Bulletproof Marketer