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How You Can Add Quality To Your Social Media Marketing

How You Can Add Quality To Your Social Media Marketing

Is your brand behind on social media marketing? Do you feel overwhelmed or poorly-trained when trying to promote your company through Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram? Are you just trying to sharpen your message?

Social media is an imperative tool for having a successful business in 2017. All of it can be a bit unsettling at first, but these five starter tips will be great for you and your company’s visibility:

1. Analyze past content to improve future posts. Use tools like BuzzSumo and others to analyze data. Dump what’s not working and improve the content that’s creating engagement.

2. Use links to optimize visual content. Visual content may serve as a gateway to more valuable content. Using a link is a great way to drive traffic to your website.

3. Switch up your content formats.Create videos, images, snippets of your content or think about combining your articles into an ebook. There are varying routes you can take to reach your audience.

4. Deliver content on a consistent basis. Being consistent helps you to be relevant in the eyes of your audience. If needed, you can schedule your content delivery. If growing your business is your main concern, there is no excuse for being a “social media absentee.”

5. Use your social media updates to create blog posts. Take your most popular tweets and posts to create informative and compelling blog posts. This gives your audience more to chew on while you build credibility as a leader in your field.

If you’re still wary of your social media marketing skills or lack there of, contact us today! We’re here to help you hit your targets.

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