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14 Key Customer Engagement Tools Startups Need In Their Martech Stack

14 Key Customer Engagement Tools Startups Need In Their Martech Stack

by Forbes Agency Council | Expert Panel 

Every startup today needs to leverage marketing technology to be able to grow, scale, build strong customer relationships and keep up with competitors. However, not every startup has a huge marketing budget, and most can’t afford to spend those dollars on consulting fees and solutions that may not meet their needs in the end.

Curating the most useful martech stack for your startup is essential. With so many options available, though, knowing where to start can feel overwhelming if you’re not familiar with all of the different possibilities.

If you could use some guidance in selecting the right mix of tech tools to strengthen your startup’s marketing efforts, the members of Forbes Agency Council shared their best tips to help you determine where to invest your precious resources.

This article originally appeared on Forbes.com, on August 17, 2021. Read the rest of the article here.


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