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What Content Is Popular on TikTok?

What Content Is Popular on TikTok?

As marketers, we are always looking for inspiration for content creation. So, if you’re wondering what types of content are seeing results on TikTok, get ready to take some notes!

It’s All About Collaboration

One of TikTok’s best features is the ability to duet or stitch videos.

This function allows users to collaborate creatively by adding their own spin to someone else’s content. It’s a brilliant way to expand your reach and engage with a broader audience.

Dance Videos Never Stopped Being Popular

If there’s one thing TikTok is known for, it’s dance videos, and even years later, they are still a fan favorite on the app.

Exclusive Sneak Peeks

Everyone loves a glimpse behind the curtain, and “day in the life” videos offer just that. These clips create a sense of exclusivity, inviting viewers into the daily routines of their favorite creators and brands.

Branded Hashtag Challenges

Launching a branded hashtag challenge is the best way to get your followers involved.

Creating a unique hashtag and encouraging your audience to put their own spin on it is a great way to increase engagement and user-generated content.

Storytime Videos

Storytimes may be one of the best pieces of content on TikTok today. Everyone loves a good story, and with the right mix of suspense and humor, storytime videos can become incredibly shareable content that keeps viewers hooked from start to finish.

The best thing about TikTok is that brands don’t have to choose between being entertaining and professional. On TikTok, you can be both bold and surprising while still being silly and unpolished.

The best TikTok content blends creativity, relatability, and entertainment. The key is to keep it fun and authentic.

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