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The 5 Unspoken Rules of Social Media Marketing

The 5 Unspoken Rules of Social Media Marketing

It seems like this social media marketing thing just clicks for some people. Their content is perfect, they connect with the best people, there are “likes” aplenty- you get the idea. For others, however, it takes more time and effort. Some people just can’t seem to grasp some of the most elementary concepts when it comes to Facebook, Twitter, and the other platforms. And that’s OK. If anybody – even those who are social media masters – say they’ve learned it all in a single day, they’re lying.

The sad truth is that there isn’t an official “Social Media Marketing How-To Manual.” We’ve all figured out what works and what doesn’t through trial, error, and a TON of hands-on experience.

Luckily, my team and I have been there and done that. I can say that there are many unspoken rules of social media and how things work, but these are without a doubt the most essential. So let’s get started on everything you need to know.

1. Don’t like your own content.
It’s nice to pat yourself on the back every once in a while, but don’t do it on social media. If your only engagement is from yourself, well, that will look a tad pathetic, won’t it?

2. Respond to customers ASAP.
Don’t forget, it’s SOCIAL media. That means these are channels of communications between you and your customers. Keep things positive, informative, and professional.

3. Be involved in the community. Apart from having good customer service, you need to be social in other ways such as sharing other business’s content (as long as they aren’t competitors). You should also be hosting engagement-heavy content like contests, polls, and Q&A sessions.

4. Abide by platform rules. Each social media platform connects people in different ways. LinkedIn is all about professional networking. Instagram is heavily focused on images. Twitter does best with news and current events. Make sure you “do as the Romans do” and shape your content to match what people flock to.

5. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS use an image. It’s been proven time and time again that social media updates do significantly better with some form of visual. Whether you want to use a picture, video, GIF, 360-video, live broadcast, or whatever is next in the world of marketing, you need something to compliment your copy.

So, while there isn’t any go-to manual, these rules are a great starting point for marketers who are trying to hit the ground running with social media. As you abide by these unspoken laws, take the time to plan, write, create, strategize, and revise your methods. Trust me, your efforts will go a long way.

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