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5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Twitter

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Twitter
Twitter is like a sports car – no excess baggage, lightning fast, and has the ability to turn heads. It’s become one of the central hubs for social media professionals to promote a consistent and contemporary brand to their target demographic. But does your business need Twitter? You better believe it.
Think of Twitter as Facebook’s hyperactive, social butterfly of a cousin. News flies quickly on this platform. When I say quick, I mean like, lightning fast. With over 320 million people logging in, you can see that it’s quite a busy site. Still, many companies think that Twitter isn’t for them. Here’s why your business needs to start flying on this fantastic platform today:
  1. A large, talkative community – As I’ve said, there are hundreds of millions of people that use this site to follow their favorite businesses, celebrities, and those who they know in real life. It’s a powerful tool thanks to its large numbers, but also thanks to these people’s receptiveness. It’s not uncommon for a tweet to receive hundreds of likes and any number of retweets.
  2. Shareability – Retweeting and quote tweeting are two of the most useful social media tools available today. Your content has the ability to go far and wide thanks to Twitter’s chatting community and their tools. If someone likes your stuff, they can share it with all the people that follow them. You can see the potential here, right?
  3. Resources – When our team crafts and curates content for our clients as a whole, Twitter is the first place we look for exciting and engaging content. It’s a gateway to so much knowledge, information, and content that can be used in a plethora of different ways. There’s no question the amount of content shared by reputable sources is one of THE reasons many people go on Twitter.
  4. A fair playing field – Facebook is essential. We all know that. However, their algorithms tend to be a challenge for marketers as we have to work around certain restraints. For Twitter, social media goes back to an even playing field. Your business’s content comes up in the same fashion that everyone else’s does. This isn’t to say that Twitter doesn’t have an algorithm of its own that supposedly helps people see what “they want to see,” but it’s a much easier hurdle to tackle.
  5. Convenience and speed – Twitter allows 140 characters of text and one piece of imagery per tweet. If you’re about to say “I can’t work under these conditions!” you need to change your perspective. This is actually a HUGE benefit for marketers because the message can be delivered quickly before the reader’s attention wanes off.
Twitter has become a central element in social media marketing efforts. It opens up new avenues that other platforms cannot. Marketers need to realize, however, that Twitter marketing is an entirely different animal than Facebook. It requires a quick and powerful message, hashtags, shortened links, and more. Contact us today to let the pros handle your Twitter!

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