How to Tailor Your Marketing to Target Gen Z

How to Tailor Your Marketing to Target Gen Z

Millennials and Generation Z make up the majority of today’s social media users, with the latter being a top focus today. Many brands have seen great success when they tailor their marketing more toward a younger audience, but there’s one thing you need to remember if you want to succeed:

Gen Z and Millennials are NOT the same.

First things first, let’s use some of Gen Z’s language. From this point forward, we’ll refer to them as Zoomers.

Zoomers aren’t afraid to speak their minds, and they’re no strangers to social media. They expect certain things from the brands they interact with, so let’s go over a few of these expectations.

Create a Strong Personality

Gen Z can smell inauthenticity from a mile away. To win them over, your brand needs to be bold, unique, and unapologetically real.

Think of it this way: if your brand were at a party, would they be the one telling hilarious stories or the one awkwardly hovering by the snacks? Be the life of the party! Your brand’s voice should be clear, memorable, and always true to its core values.

Don’t be afraid to show some attitude or wit—after all, Gen Z loves a brand that knows how to have fun and isn’t afraid to be itself.

Be Authentic About Your Stance on Social Impacts

If we have learned anything over the last few years, Gen Z isn’t afraid to take a stance on what they care about. This means they expect the same energy from the brands they invest in.

I’ll say it again: authenticity is key. If your brand takes a stand, make sure it’s genuine.

For example, if you want to show your support for Pride Month, don’t just make a single post once a year and think that is enough. Gen Z wants your commitment through actions, donations, and policies.

Even more importantly, they want to see your brand stay true to its words when it isn’t easy. If you take a stand on a social issue, know that you’ll likely spark some controversy and be prepared to stick with it. No flip-flopping.

Be transparent about your efforts and willing to share your journey. This honesty builds trust and shows you’re in it for the long haul, not just the likes.

Keep Them Entertained First

Gen Z has grown up in a world of constant entertainment, from TikTok challenges to on-demand shows and movies. To capture their interest, you need to entertain first and sell second.

Think engaging content, like funny memes, interactive stories, and relatable videos. Use humor, surprise, and creativity to make your content shareable and memorable.

Once you’ve got their attention, you can then weave in your brand message.

The key is to make them smile before you make them buy.

They Will Listen to Creators Over Brands

In a world of content creators, it’s no surprise that Gen Z responds better to real people than brands.

That means it is essential that brands partner with the right creators who align with their brand values and can authentically represent their products.

Keep all collaborations natural and not forced. It’s not hard to spot a phony partnership these days.

Acknowledge Your Mistakes Don’t Hide From Them

No one’s perfect, and Gen Z doesn’t expect you to be. What they do expect is transparency and accountability. If your brand makes a mistake, own up to it. Fast.

Trying to sweep it under the rug or spin the narrative will only backfire.

Instead, acknowledge the error, apologize sincerely, and explain how you will fix it. This approach shows that you respect your audience, and Gen Z values brands that are honest and human enough to admit when they’ve messed up.

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