Watson Institute




17 March 2020


Watson Institute




Throughout Watson’s ninety-five year history, they’ve been a refuge to those crippled by polio, served as a research laboratory for Dr. Salk’s vaccine, been hailed as a premier training resource for physical therapists and have provided high-quality rehabilitation to both children and adults. In addition, they’ve become a member of Pennsylvania’s Approved Private Schools, providing education to children with special needs. They operate a preschool program involving children with autism and their typically-developing peers.

They offer inclusive summer camp programs and provide child assessment and therapy for children and adolescents with autism. They also provide educational programming with a partial hospital component to children and adolescents with severe emotional disturbances.

The Watson Institute today is an educational organization, specializing in educating children with special needs, as well as those professionals and pre-professionals who serve children with special needs.

The Client Wanted…

The client was dealing with a very crucial school year ahead, and their main focus was to grow awareness of their school, awards, and courses to increase their class numbers.  The secondary focus was to connect with a large international community (specifically in Ireland) to launch Autism-related programs on foreign soil.

The Go! Agency Delivered…

In order to help our client reach their online goals, we focused our campaign on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.  Here are the outcomes of our custom social media marketing campaign:

  • 60+ pieces of original content per month across all platforms
  • Brand consistency from unified visual identity across all platforms
  • Drastic increase for Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter search rankings
  • 1,300% Facebook network growth
  • 2,500% Twitter network growth
  • 2,800+ LinkedIn connections
  • 432,200+ LinkedIn professionals exposed to client networking in Groups
  • Successful introductions with companies in other countries
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