A Problem, A Strategy, A Result

Assisted Living Facility

An assisted living client was looking to have their social media managed while finding leads for their business.


  • To have their facility at 100% occupancy always by connecting to interested parties.
  • Social media accounts that are designed to show they’re trustworthy and a good choice for potential residents.
  • Not enough website visitors were downloading their brochure or booking a tour.

Strategies Used:

To address the client’s problems, we decided to use a holistic approach. Using Facebook Ads to connect the client to customers while managing their social media accounts to create a more professional online image.

This included:

  • Facebook Ads with targeted audiences that connected the client to customers that were looking for an assisted living facility or their caregivers.
  • Installation of Facebook Pixels on the client’s website so that interested leads could be remarketed to on Facebook.
  • Regular social media posts on Facebook with content that was both engaging and of interest to residents and their families. This included the creation of images in line with the client’s branding.
  • Regular client communication so that Facebook Advertisements could be altered in line with business needs. Eg. If there were an opening in a specialized area of the facility, ads would be focused on that specialization.
  • The writing of an ebook for potential residents and their caregivers to look over.


  • More downloads of the assisted living facility’s brochure.
  • An increase in people booking tours.
  • More engagement on social media with more positive reviews being posted.
  • Our client was so happy with the success of their ads that they increased their ad budget.

Does Twitter actually provide any value for a business? Yes. If you do it correctly. Twitter seems like it should be simple to use, but without a strategy, you will not gain exposure or connect with customers. There is a steep learning curve to Twitter and many businesses come to us frustrated and wondering why this constant effort gets them so little.

We do all the Tweeting for you with custom campaigns that break through the Twitter landscape so that you will generate leads. Let us take this task off your hands and get you above the noise quickly.

  • Account Setup and Management (including privacy)
  • Custom Username Creation
  • Custom Twitter Logo, Header, and Background
  • Total Inbox Management: responding and managing all points of interaction
  • Daily Outreach, Engagement, and Sharing
  • Daily Network Growth in Target Market
  • Daily Competition Analysis
  • Weekly Network Analytics
  • Monthly Reports

If your goal is to increase your visibility and position yourself as an expert, then you need to beef up your LinkedIn presence. It’s a primary strategy component when you are missing that edge to market your business.

LinkedIn is not just about posting company facts. You need to be found! This takes management and time you may not have. We make you part of the conversation and show connections why you are worth getting to know. Again and again, our LinkedIn campaigns produce results that exceed expectations, especially by multiplying the referrals from your target market.

  • Account Creation and Management
  • Professional Profile Creation and Maximization
  • Company Page Creation and Headers
  • Video, Photo, and File Integration
  • Custom Group Creation
  • Build Testimonials
  • Group Building
  • Daily Posting and Network Interaction
  • Daily Account Management and Inbox Management
  • Daily Group Activity (giving you exposure to hundreds of thousands of potential consumers)
  • Daily Network Development
  • Monthly Reports

Instagram works in many different ways: as the perfect compliment to your Facebook marketing campaign AND as a stand-alone branding tool that will help you tell your company’s story to your target audience.  As visuals are king, Instagram banks on this fact for you by enabling you to share photographs and videos which will help your target audience engage with you in a whole new way.  Don’t have time to create eye-catching images and instantly engaging videos?  That is where The Go! Agency comes in!  We think outside-the-box to showcase your brand personality to increase SEO, website traffic, and much more.


  • Custom Business Page Creation
  • Custom Logo Creation
  • Incorporation of Your Website
  • Full Account Setup and Management
  • Creation of Custom Photographs and Images
  • Creation of Custom Videos
  • Daily Network Building
  • Daily Network Outreach
  • Daily Account Posting
  • Instagram Advertising Campaigns
  • Monthly Reports

Many businesses benefit from exposure on Pinterest because it increases click-throughs to their websites. Today, visual exposure is the key to online marketing visibility. You might think your business is not visual enough to merit space on Pinterest, but this platform reaches a large audience that shares with consumers constantly. The trick is how you engineer your presence. We think outside-the-box to showcase your products and brand personality to increase SEO, website traffic, and shares on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Custom Business Page Creation
  • Custom Logo Creation
  • Incorporation of Your Website
  • Registering of Your Website
  • Full Account Setup and Management
  • Creation of Boards
  • Creation of Pins
  • Daily Network Building
  • Daily Network Outreach
  • Daily Account Posting
  • Monthly Reports

Google+ enables a business to do the thing that other social media giants do not: brand yourself to be found easily in Google search results. That is critical.

We heighten your profile on Google to increase your visibility. It’s that simple, but there are a lot of steps involved to manage this successfully. We can explain how it works, but all you really need to know is that behind the scenes, our Google+ strategy makes a big difference in meeting your online marketing objectives.

  • Personal Account and 100% Profile Completion
  • Company Page Creation
  • Completion of Google Visible Profiles (both pages)
  • Circles Creation and Management
  • Custom Cover Image Creation (both pages)
  • Custom Description with Keyword Loading
  • Video and Photo Integration
  • Website Integration
  • Social Media Integration
  • Address Book/List Integration
  • Daily Outreach and Network Growth
  • Daily Updates, Shares, and +1s
  • Full Engagement on Network
  • Maintenance and Network Updates as Needed
  • Monthly Reporting