Tag : keyword marketing

Keywords: The Forgotten Piece of the Content Marketing Puzzle


If you are interested in marketing your business online, I’m sure that you have seen the surge in articles heralding the importance of generating original content in addition to having a solid content marketing strategy in place.

Having consistently updated content published on your site is crucial to getting more traffic from social media sites and search engines while creating a power of influence over your visitors.

I’m sure that this is where you might think we would start talking about how to write blogs and market them.  This is not the case.

What I want to talk about here is what you need to do BEFORE you put pen to paper (do people still do that?) and begin formulating your first blog.


With all of the fervor over the power of content marketing, one aspect that I don’t think is stressed enough is the use of keywords when writing your content.  Keywords are how people will be able to find you, your business, your services and your products online when searching for you – plain and simple.

Keywords also help you target the RIGHT market that you want to attract to your business.

Above and beyond this, keywords can make your website a powerhouse in Google (as they play a crucial role in SEO) and when used throughout your marketing materials (offline and online) can create a continuity with your overall strategy.

I have a two step process for keywords – in order to keep it simple and to get you to begin to formulate your first list.

First, write down who your target consumer is.  Then write down what your key product/service offering is.   Now you will have a good idea of who will be searching and what they will be searching for.

Second you want to formulate your list of keywords.  A quick way to see what keywords you are currently using is to use a tool such as Wordle (http://www.wordle.net).  This will provide a good baseline to grow from.

Then think above and beyond what you think “keyword” means and think more about how your target market would search for you on search engines like Google.  Come up with a list of keywords (such as “elders” or “seniors”), or keyword phrases (which are short phrases like “assisted living facilities florida” or “senior memory development”) that you think your target market would use to try to find you online.

Need some help?  Use the Google Keyword Tool (https://adwords.google.com/o/Targeting/Explorer?__c=1000000000&__u=1000000000&ideaRequestType=KEYWORD_IDEAS ).  This will help you come up with some good ideas that are a bit more out of the box.  Also, it will help you with coming up with more competitive keywords and keyword phrases that have high search-ability, but low competition with others in your market.

The point here is to come up with a solid keyword list that you can begin to use when formulating and executing your content strategy.  The more relevant keywords that you pack into your blogs or updates, the more chances that you have in not only showing up in Google searches, but also social media searches for your topic.

Even better?  This can constantly evolve with your business.  I would suggest taking a look at your keyword list every month to see if it needs tweaked.  A great tool to see how your keywords are working for your website (and social media) is Google Analytics.  If you are currently not using this wonderful tool to monitor your website, I would suggest that you install it now.  It is free and helps you see where your traffic is coming from and what potential customers are using to find you.

While the above task can be taxing, in the end it will truly help your content strategy get off and running with a bang!

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